how the fuck did an eliminator body get called a "butterbean"
I could care less it's out of my price range @ 3600.00, but all I wanna know is who was this unit made for and now for sale years later?

Yes I asked if they would take less....nope
I asked if there was a payment plan....nope
I asked if there was a layaway...nope
Although I'm not really into the Collen/YamahaRBX bodystyle, I would buy it today if it was 2000 less..will it happen?....nope
LOL -- did anybody here own this thing?
EDIT: I NEED TO CLARIFY, THAT THE NOPE,NOPE,NOPE THING WAS A CUT AND PASTE from the other forum, I never approached the store myself, and assumed the other person DID call.
I could care less it's out of my price range @ 3600.00, but all I wanna know is who was this unit made for and now for sale years later?

Yes I asked if they would take less....nope
I asked if there was a payment plan....nope
I asked if there was a layaway...nope
Although I'm not really into the Collen/YamahaRBX bodystyle, I would buy it today if it was 2000 less..will it happen?....nope
LOL -- did anybody here own this thing?
EDIT: I NEED TO CLARIFY, THAT THE NOPE,NOPE,NOPE THING WAS A CUT AND PASTE from the other forum, I never approached the store myself, and assumed the other person DID call.