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Newbie here with a question on ps-5 Performer and Concert EX Professional

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  • #16
    I got the black 2b today! Just a heads up on a left handed Futura up on e bay now.
    "there's an infinite number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for hamlet they've worked out." --douglas adams.


    • #17
      amimbari it's a four stringer & @ $249.00 with Zero Bids SO FAR..


      • #18
        thanks WRC, ya I saw that probably an hour after it was listed and is on my watch list. I already have one so it's not on my radar, but I will probably bid on it anyway at the end if nobody else is.

        hey Pilgrim, now you gotta find a model 1 and swap necks
        Last edited by amimbari; 02-01-2012, 07:17 AM.


        • #19
          Ooops, a Black 1b was what I got just, # challenged I guess. I was gonna put the neck on a beater red 2b body but its a sloppy fit in that neck pocket so the 1b gets to stay original. I did find another Black 2b for cheap I may get this weekend.

          What do you all think is a fair price for the Black ps-5 with the upgraded bridge & 18 volt EMG`s and the Blue Concert EX with a drop d tuner?
          "there's an infinite number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for hamlet they've worked out." --douglas adams.


          • #20
            not as much as if you were to put a model series neck and plate on it and tell everyone it's a


            • #21
              Hey amimbari there is a black lefty Futura just up on e bay
              "there's an infinite number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for hamlet they've worked out." --douglas adams.


              • #22
                oh ya it was probably not paid for the first time around so the seller listed it again. I already got one and a friend of mine was outbid last time so I hope he gets it this time. thanks for the heads up pilgrim but ANY lefty jackson is always on my radar screen

                and naturally some rightys -- if your interested theres a yellow CMG on musicgoround for like 350 something, cheap cheap for what it is....


                • #23
                  I just ordered up a refinished 2b from Music go round for a hundred bucks! I think the next one I look for will be a 3B.
                  "there's an infinite number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for hamlet they've worked out." --douglas adams.


                  • #24
                    oh 100 bucks shit how come i didnt see that i wouldn't have cared what color it was for that price but congrats, I've had enough of them..
                    so buy one of my j2000's use a stack pot so you dont have to drill a hole and preamp it.

