This was the first Jackson I bough. I picked it up on ebay for $150 and fell in love with the neck. I believe its a 94 or 95. Even though it plays great its suffers from scratchy pots, a bad jack and a broken nut. I decided to pull it apart and give it a good cleaning. I own a Auto detailing shop so I broke out my buffer and gave it a good buffing. I probably could have gotten all the scratches out if I did some wet sanding but I didnt get that crazy with it. I also tapes the fretboard up. and gave the frets a good polishing with some 000 steel wool.
The electronics will be replaced with a EMG P/J set, No preamp just VVT.
Next up is my 2004 CMG.

The electronics will be replaced with a EMG P/J set, No preamp just VVT.
Next up is my 2004 CMG.
