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575 deluxe questions

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  • 575 deluxe questions

    bought a mint 575 deluxe ,toothpaste logo , guessing 1991, not ft worth tx on the serial number
    how does it compare to a 2b ?
    body ? neck ?
    are these equivalent ?or is the toothpaste logo 575 dlx crappy .

    I swear the 2b sounds way fuller, not sure if its the strings , or the type of wood (poplar vs basswood) ,pickups, etc.

    cant find any videos of anyone playing a 575 , when I see you tube vids of 2b , I can tell from the video its the sound im looking for.

    thinking about buying a wrecked 2b online and transfering the deluxe neck to it.
    dont see how to attach a pic

    thx for any input

  • #2
    Use a third party for posting pictures (imgur, google photos etc)

    They are fairly equivalent in terms of quality imo, but yes the wood will make a difference, and slight difference in pickups as well. Can you:

    - post a video of the tone your going for
    - what's missing from your sound
    - your full rig


    • #3 ,
      this guys tone for sure, my beater 2b sounds just like it , the mint 575 dlx , doesnt .
      I play through a sansamp straight to Pa, or squire combo or fender rumble 500 v3 ,
      trying to switch back from 5 strings (carvins lb 75,peavey dynabass with super ferrites! ) to 4 string charvels ,(classic rock band). need a decent sounding backup. thx for your help. I will post vids of my charvels later this week .


      • #4
        oh damn I'm off the net for a couple months and so many people posted in the forum. I have to look to see if I have any using my 575. I still have one ( on the shelf neckless ) first thing you should do is measure the ohms on the p+j and then compare to your 2b. After having about 50 of these things I think the people who wound them just threw them in a box and the assemblers pulled them out and stuck them in using the pickups that were supposed to go into the preamp models in the passive ones ( less gain ) and unless they are closer to the strings they sound like ass. I actually found a video and at the end if you wanna hear it just skip thru his BS

        my first one I put a Kramer ZX70 neck on it cause I liked the maple FB better and it just bolted on without any mods. It didn't make any change to the tone, but I HATE switches cause you can't blend in a touch of the J

        Last edited by amimbari; 03-09-2018, 06:40 PM.


        • #5
          Hey man, here's a couple examples, might be hard to concentrate on the music because the bass players so damn handsome:

          video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload

          I loved my 575s had 3 and would have kept mine forever but I wanted to open up some 5 string gigs and then found I kept getting confused between 4 and 5 string necks, lol

          Sorry, obviously not the highest quality recordings, but they sounded plenty full to me in person when kept on the P pickup and I used them a lot in a blues jam setting with all the p basses to compare to
          Last edited by tanpsi; 05-24-2018, 05:50 PM.


          • #6
            was the red white and blue ones that sold on ebay last week yours?


            • #7
              Originally posted by amimbari View Post
              was the red white and blue ones that sold on ebay last week yours?
              Me? no I sold mine a couple years ago and they were a dark green, I loved them though, but I just needed a 5 string, not just for metal but classic rock like "Another brick in the wall" uses a low D. I was actually thinking of getting a couple of the MIJ Jackson 5 strings that I had a seen on here, but they seemed pretty rare and pricy, so I got a couple MIJ Ibanez (oh crap I hope I wont get banned haha) but I started playing bass with the Charvels so will always like them!

