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Originally posted by peabuddy View Postthat's what i need! a bidding war! lol
He told me how much you want, with all the options you are giving, that's VERY tempting, but NO...he REALLY want's it.
there will come a day when I'm sick of the Kahler on my 2B, and you can have the swap you want from me..
p.s. 40.00 for a left/right arm for the thing...naw, i'll leave it a fixedbridge, unless you got a spare for cheap?
The Truth Hurts Only If It's Supposed To !
Originally posted by peabuddy View PostI bow to you a little.
excellent find, it's 10 buck cheaper and no 5 bucks ship charge so I bought it---see now if you ever get the black body, it will have an arm
( uh they dont make a special bent for leftys model do they? cause on the kahler site, they ask you which one you want ).
I know there's a left/right holes to stick it in but will the bend be correct?...we will see.
Yes Kahler does make left-handed arms.
About the same price as that eBay listing, as well. If worst comes to worst, you could get a right-handed arm and bend it the other way. Wouldn't be pretty, but it would work. I don't know what it would feel like to have the arm bent the other way...but since you already got that arm, I guess you can try it out.
On my Hamer's tremolo, I bent the arm upwards a bit (like a fulcrum tremolo arm) so I could drop notes farther and with greater ease. Got the idea from a guy on the bass tremolo fanatics forum and it works like a charm!
If you want to lock the arm in place, you can get some high thread count 1/4" nuts and screw one on the arm and screw that into the cam and man the nut on there with a C wrench. Baschta--home-made arm lock.Last edited by Chowderboots; 01-07-2009, 12:38 AM.From here on the nightmare only gets worse...
Originally posted by amimbari View Post...his "hard earned" teenager money...I figure that I might try and stock up on cool stuff because I don't have any bills to pay yet. In about two years that will change...and then I won't have a choice about whether I'm eating top ramen for breakfast, dinner, and lunch!
From here on the nightmare only gets worse...
well just an update. I got that bar for the Trem, it is bent for a righthander, but.....I can use it and will play around a bit, and I will soon post a jam that I can utilize bending harmonics and stuff. And like any Kahler guitar trem, it does bend pretty far, and goes right back into tune without a hitch.
so here's a nice family pic of the whole "B" series with a couple misfits that wanted to get into the picture, because they share the "double cutaway" bodystyle.
the 2 misfit's are a 70's Matsumoku JazzClone, and a ash over maple 2003 Dillion MM StingrayClone
Originally posted by Chowderboots View PostSo you haven't run into any problems with it staying in tune, Mike? I'm very curious about how the Kahler works with the strings being pulled over the nut at those angles....
one more thing T, if you look in the pic at the 4+3B, compared to the 2+1B horns, they are very noticeably different shapes ( that's why I grouped them that way )
Originally posted by amimbari View PostI havent beat up on it enough just yet, but from the limited noodling, naw it seems to bend pretty far, then go right back in tune. Like I said when I bought it, it totally makes the OEM Jackson bridge seem pale in comparison, as when I hold this thing compared to my 4B I CAN feel the vibrations thru my skin from the body of the bass a lot more, in fact so much more that in the beginning, I thought I was tripping a little. ( no I don't do acid )One of the things that runs through everyone's mind when they think about a Kahler (or any tremolo) on bass is "how will it affect the sustain?" The answer is that a Kahler won't harm it and will probably improve it, as you can probably tell.
A lot of the time, when the strings come off the nut at such weird angles (I know I say this a lot, but it can be a big thing), the strings can bind in the nut slots and you will have them coming back out of tune (especially sharp). I'm surprised that neither you nor Rob have had any problems with this on Jackson headstocks. It makes me happy, but I'm surprised. Oftentimes, I've heard it'll even just take a tilt-back headstock (like on Ibanez or Carvin basses) to create an angle great enough that the tuning stability suffers, let alone something wacky like the J/C headstock.
But I'm not complaining!Hopefully, when I have a J/C bass with a Kahler trem on it, I'll be as happy with it as I am with my Hamer.
I'm glad you're liking it! It's better than not liking it.
That is interesting about the horns on those basses. How does the rest of the body shape compare from bass to bass?From here on the nightmare only gets worse...
Originally posted by Chowderboots View PostThat is interesting about the horns on those basses. How does the rest of the body shape compare from bass to bass?
" I'm surprised that neither you nor Rob have had any problems with this on Jackson headstocks. " never had any issues but you can always put a little graphite on the nut. one of my 2b basses with the trem has a brass nut but it is no different than the others in performance. about the horns, it does seem to me that the bolt ons are bigger than the neck thrus. but i will say that they model series basses match the usa jacksons i have (charvel bolt on= jackson bolt on and charvel neck thru= jackson neck thru)The Truth Hurts Only If It's Supposed To !