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Jackson Basses

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  • #91
    i think over the time that EMG made the Select, the pickups changed a few times.. due to changing factories in Korea.. some of them are 3 shades of horrible sounding.. and some are very good.. most people dismiss Selects, though.. because they aren't "real" EMGs, etc..

    if you like them, play them.. that's pretty much all that matters..


    • #92
      that's the key...if you like it, play it


      • #93
        speaking of "playing it".. here's a white 4b I just got to revive the thread with for the bassplayers out here.

        sometime I'll take another family portrait.


        • #94
          Sweet, dude! You have quite the collection at this point...
          From here on the nightmare only gets worse...


          • #95
            LeftyBob showed me a nice lefty 2b from CL. I emailed the CL seller to ask if he would ship and use paypal to get paid with..he said if he don't sell it local he will do it for me when he gets back from vacation later this month. It is a black 2b lefty, and I hope he don't sell it so at least I can have a chance at it.

            as far as all the others....well maybe someday I will find the one I really want, and all these others will get sold.......

            today I have

            2 4b's CAR/WHITE
            1 3b RED
            4 2b's BLACK/WHITE/WHITE/RED
            2 1b's BLACK/RED

            which seems like a lot, but in dollar not, maybe a couple grand's worth at the most.

            ( I still don't have a blue one yet )


            • #96
              Originally posted by amimbari View Post
              ( I still don't have a blue one yet )
              Well, it does'nt seem to make you feel blue, so who cares ~!


              • #97
                Originally posted by leftybob View Post
                Well, it does'nt seem to make you feel blue, so who cares ~!
                thanks Bob, naw, I'm never "blue" about looking at a bunch of pointy headstocks regardless of what color the body is.

                That new white one I had to take the neck off, it looks like someone took it off before, and did not reseat it properly, a few minutes later it was back on and now it actually works fine. ( pushing on the head I could see it moving in the pocket and it was bending the crap out of the strings, so I knew it was not right. )

                just as a side note.... I SEE WHY I LIKE the preamped models much better. that bass boost is a non-sexual musical high, and although 50 other companies make preamped passive basses+guitars, it still KILLS my non-pre models for sure, scratchy pots and all.


                • #99
                  Originally posted by leftybob View Post
                  you mean nice AND white, not all creamed out

                  yes indeed a flood of 80's and 90's charvels hitting the bay lately...but let us not forget butcher job#1 for the week:



                  • ^geez, what the fuck!


                    • I was'nt even gonna bring that one up, to bring everyone down ~!


                      • Even though some of the cuts go through the paint into the wood for that great "Seek & Destroy" Character

                        ha bob, well he does have it right in his ad when he says "think of seek and destroy", cause he sought out that bass and destroyed it


                        • I lost my 4-Iron, so I used my crackle bass, and I got a birdy on the hole ...


                          • GOOD LORD!

                            I thought I was gonna get outbid for sure with a max bid of only 110.00, but alas looks like I'll have another black 2b in the house soon....

                            Well the price was right, I just didn't expect to get it that cheap, and never expected to win it either -

                            my wanting to strip one down to natural, and sport a "woodgrain" 2b has now become a reality!!

                            g.a.s and extra play money is dangerous!!!!


                            • Originally posted by amimbari View Post
                              GOOD LORD!

                              I thought I was gonna get outbid for sure with a max bid of only 110.00, but alas looks like I'll have another black 2b in the house soon....

                              Well the price was right, I just didn't expect to get it that cheap, and never expected to win it either -

                              my wanting to strip one down to natural, and sport a "woodgrain" 2b has now become a reality!!

                              g.a.s and extra play money is dangerous!!!!

                              Good Lord is right! All hail the King of the B series. My goal was to get a 3B in 86,87, and 88. You might as well go for the whole shebang...hell, you're not far off.
                              I got the itch again over the last month and acquired the final 3B to complete my goal as well as an Aria,BC Rich and Saturday ordered a new Spector. I really need to stop but it makes me happy so what the hell.

