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Hi! New member, new Charvel owner
welcome swampgas, and now I know who bought that particular unit
like many all over the world, anytime there's a C/J on ebay, I watch it even knowing I won't be buying it.
there are quite a few bassplayers here, like the guitarplayer section.
and for 300 or so, i looks like a fine unit.
beyond all the other ones, I also own a couple white ( now yellowed from age )2b's.
here's my pair of siamese twins
Welcome swampgas ! How do you like your new bass ? Seems like you got a decent price on it. To post a photo just click on your right click "copy image location hit the image icon and paste it between the [IMG] here...[/IMG] or just write the format
Mines a Hendrix flipped 1B ... Enjoy
I think what he meant to say was...
create an account on photobucket, upload your pics there, and copy and paste the choice that says IMG code.
and as far as the new axe goes, clean is clean, I've bought worse condition guitars for more.
The best sounding one on the passive side is my reverse-p 86 (only year). If it weren't for the microphonic OEM pups, I would use it live. They resolved that issue with the preampped models (3,4). But for those who prefer the passive P sound, the model 2 was the shit.
and yes those are quiet, and mucho gain on the bass and treble knobs, but I cannot blend the pups on them, just a switch. compromises
p.s. ALWAYS remember that wood against a drummers cymbol is gonna lose everytime:
I actually won't go crazy thinking about it, but I wonder how "WHITE" these things were 20 years ago......every white one I ever saw, cased for 20 years or beat on for 20, still all look creamed out.
I meant "live" not a picture....
where's the facepalm smily when you need it.
They were stark-raving white when new, like a White (Rhoads) Les Paul Custom or Olympic White (Hendrix, Wayne's World) Strat, with just the faintest hint of sparkle from the Pearl.
Remove the bridge and you just might be surprised how white it is under there.I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood
The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
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