When the Jacksons saw me taking pictures of the Charvels, they got all jealous and offended. "You like their side of the family better!" "They get treated better because there's more of them than us!" "Us neck-throughs are better!"
I tried to alleviate the tension by reminding them that two them are bolt-ons, and one of the Charvies is even a neck-through. And that there was another Jackson on order, so their side of the family was growing. They weren't having any of it.
So, to keep everyone happy, I gave them their own special Jackson family reunion photo shoot...

Not sure how that Carvin joker got in the pic. He must've been a party crasher. Damn acoustics.
Charvel family pic, if you're interested...
I tried to alleviate the tension by reminding them that two them are bolt-ons, and one of the Charvies is even a neck-through. And that there was another Jackson on order, so their side of the family was growing. They weren't having any of it.

So, to keep everyone happy, I gave them their own special Jackson family reunion photo shoot...

Not sure how that Carvin joker got in the pic. He must've been a party crasher. Damn acoustics.

Charvel family pic, if you're interested...