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Demoing my PC1 for my 9month old son

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  • Demoing my PC1 for my 9month old son

    my son loves to look / drool on guitars. Almost as much as I do. LOL! I sometimes let him hold a few of mine and he practically craps himself with excitement. well, he does that normally but ahem..

    so the other day my wife shot this little vid of him checking out my PC1 while I was jamming in my office. I know its kinda gay but those of you who are fathers may enjoy it.

    Hope he grows up to play guitar so I have someone to give these to when I check out.
    Last edited by maltomario; 10-27-2009, 01:33 PM.
    Proud endorser of:
    Steve Clayton Inc.
    GLS Audio
    Orange County Speaker

  • #2
    Cute. Looks like the dog wants in on the action too.

    Whenever I played my guitar in front of niece when she was that age she tried to rip the strings off. That probably had more to do with my playing skills though hehe.
    GTWGITS! - RacerX


    • #3
      That was great! My little guys are both mesmerized by the guitar when I play, too. I've got 'em fooled for now, anyway. Very tasty playing there, btw!


      • #4
        Haha! Awesome!

        I used to love looking at my dad's guitar when I was young, I worshiped it.

        Now, of course, I love playing it, but back then, it was something special, some kind of holy grail. Ah, fantastic memories...
        Jackson RR3

        Someday, an RR1


        • #5
          nice vid man cute kid, maybe he will grow up to be the next EVH


          • #6
            My 3 month old just sits there quietly and listens, and when I stop he starts crying. As soon as i start playing again he shuts up and listens again.
            It's pronounced soops


            • #7
              Cute kid! I've had similar experiences with my son who's now 5 months old. Sometimes, he won't stop crying but he shuts up when I start playing. When he's in my office, he can't stop looking at the guitars.

              Note to self: get started on teaching him alternate picking soon


              • #8
                My 10 month old daughter loves to listen to me play and sing for her too!
                Until you get weaned off the boobie, you are going to have to do what the wife wants too. -Rsmacker


                • #9
                  My 2 and a half year old daughter is the same, in between me and the guitar grabbing the pick from me and strumming the strings. It's always "that's daddy's guitar" now matter which one I'm playing, I brought home a new soloist today and it wasn't daddy's new guitar I would here, it was "my guitar!" from her!! LOL!!
                  My 12 year old son on the other hand wants to play drums? UG!! what went wrong?
                  You paid for Platinum..But you're gonna get Gold! - horns666


                  • #10
                    Wait 'til he's five and he'll steal your PC1 for days! lol!
                    Facebook - Youtube


                    • #11
                      My 9 year old HATES guitars. I can understand why.....If I am playing guitar, I can't play football with him. Hopefully, I can straighten him out!!!

