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tuners for a KV1

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  • tuners for a KV1

    Where the heck can I find these ? I have a 1997 KV1 (i'm pretty sure it had standard tuners and not LSR.. there's one hole drilled above each tuner). when I got it it had (Ugly) schaller chrome locking tuners. they look stupid with the guitar's black hardware.. but I'm having a hell of a time finding tuners that fit my KV1.. You can't buy the schallers in anything but chrome, so I bought sperzels, and not only do you have to drill ANOTHER hole, the posts aren't long enough anyway. the guy told me they would retrofit. bah.

    anyone know where I can just get the original tuners for the guitar so I don't have to do any drilling? I tried ebay and all that, but they only have standard jackson tuners with the screw that goes underneath..

    I should also note that I tried the tuners from my KV2.. they're completely different :|
    Last edited by Grahf; 11-09-2009, 07:51 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Grahf View Post
    Where the heck can I find these ? I have a 1997 KV1 (i'm pretty sure it had standard tuners and not LSR.. there's one hole drilled above each tuner). when I got it it had (Ugly) schaller chrome locking tuners. they look stupid with the guitar's black hardware.. but I'm having a hell of a time finding tuners that fit my KV1.. You can't buy the schallers in anything but chrome, so I bought sperzels, and not only do you have to drill ANOTHER hole, the posts aren't long enough anyway. the guy told me they would retrofit. bah.

    anyone know where I can just get the original tuners for the guitar so I don't have to do any drilling? I tried ebay and all that, but they only have standard jackson tuners with the screw that goes underneath..

    I should also note that I tried the tuners from my KV2.. they're completely different :|
    Got a pic of the back of the head to determine if it was LSR's or Jackson standard tuners?

    If the tuners from your KV2 wouldn't fit or as you said, are "completely different" I would suspect that your guitar originally had LSR's and the original owner replaced them.


    • #3
      The posts should be long enough for Sperzels. And you don't need to drill a hole for the little mounting pin... just get a pair of pliers and pull the pins out.
      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


      • #4
        Originally posted by toejam View Post
        The posts should be long enough for Sperzels. And you don't need to drill a hole for the little mounting pin... just get a pair of pliers and pull the pins out.
        Now I wish I had've asked this question before waiting 6 months for the drill bit I needed to order in.. But seriously, the sperzels I got were graduated posts.. so the shorter ones (E and B) are much too short to use in a jackson. I bought them on ebay like a year and a half ago, been waiting to install them even since, and since they're in the package backwards I never noticed he gave me the wrong tuners till now.

        Either way, I'd rather have the original tuners that came with the guitar (or similar) as I don't really like locking tuners anyway. I'm gonna take a picture of the headstock right now


        • #5
          Hmmm. I didn't realize they also had the graduated height Sperzels.
          My Strat's Schaller/Fender tuners are graduated... the low E and A are the highest with the other four at a shorter height to eliminate the need for an extra string tree since the headstock doesn't tilt back. Interesting about the Sperzels.
          Like Brian said, your guitar most likely had the LSRs on it, as I believe that's what the earlier KV1s came with.
          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


          • #6
            Originally posted by toejam View Post
            Like Brian said, your guitar most likely had the LSRs on it, as I believe that's what the earlier KV1s came with.
            Brian & Toey are right:

            LSRs on '97 KV1
            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


            • #7
              yeah, that's my guitar right there. i fell asleep before taking the headstock pic last night, and I dont have time before work right now, so I will afterwords just to confirm.. but... anyone have any idea where to get some LSR's? I tried tracking some down years ago for a project but even then I couldn't find any

              edit - found this site, but it says these are graduated.. I wonder if the originals were, too? These better fit..!

              and yeah TJ, the sperzels are graduated, most sites let you pick, my auction where I bought them did not mention it... if anyone needs a set for a strat\warmoth i'll let them go for pretty cheap.. the LSR's are pricey.
              Last edited by Grahf; 11-10-2009, 07:42 AM.

