OK here it is. It arrived with no damage. The body is mint, with the exception of some smudges and a stain near the input jack. The bubble gum color is sweet. The headstock is mint with an old school decal logo. The back of the neck looks kind of old and slightly dirty, and has a few "burn marks", apparantly from hanging on a rack. The Floyd looks to be in great shape. It's an old one, with the screw-in bar. The posts are JT6 posts, and those notorious JT6 washers are both rattling around unattached (but at least there). Super glue will fix that. The nut is bottom drilled. I'm a little disappointed with the frets. I'd guess the humidity got to them, as they are glazed over and have a bit of rust. The strings are vintage 80's, caked with rust. When I bend a note, it kind of goes "crzzxzxzxshshshzxzxsh". Wasn't expecting that on a "like new" guitar, but it is what it is. It's odd because there is no wear on the frets at all. The same with the three way switch....it is very hard to switch, and I'm guessing humidity got to that as well. Other than that, the electronics are working correctly. The neckplate is San Dimas and has an odd bendage/warpage thing going on (see the pic). I've never seen that, and am a bit puzzled by it. I suppose I could hammer it flat, but then will it fit back on? Very odd. The neck is nice and straight. The only part missing was a lousy input jack screw.