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NGD Adrian Smith signature guitar

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  • NGD Adrian Smith signature guitar

    I just recieved my new adrian Smith guitar after waiting all day for it, it shows up at 8:30 p.m. It's the one with the ebony fret board. All looked good on it until I started playing it. There is a problem with the fret markers on the side of the neck at the 12th fret. instead of the double dots there it only has one off to one side, like they forgot to paint the first one.
    I'm going to return it and ask for an exchange for the same model guitar. I bought it from guitar center and want to see what you guys think. I'm not over reacting to what seems like a small problem am I? Has this happened to any one else?
    Also I should point out I'm getting a very good deal on this guitar because they sold a guitar I had in lay away, I'm hoping that's not why they sent me a defective guitar.

  • #2
    If all else was equal and in good finish and setup, then I would probably live with it.

    That's just me though. If it bugs you then have them exchange it.


    • #3
      I would probably live with it as well.

      However, when you go to sell it I'm sure that that might be an issue to some. Just saying....


      • #4
        Wow - that's completely funky. How does that slip buy the guy drilling the holes, let alone the guy finishing the frets, stringing and setting up the guitar. Especially since you're looking right down at it. Bummer.

        Here's mine with two big beautiful 12th fret markers.

        Insanely cool guitar. I'd have it fixed under warranty.
        Blank yo!


        • #5
          WTF!!! There have been way too many slip ups lately at the Jackson plant. This is one of the reasons I decided not to get in on the limited edition white ghost flame SL run.

          I know you are not suppose to disciminate, but Stevie Wonder should not be employed as Jackson's Head Asthetics QC inspector.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ulijdavid View Post
            Stevie Wonder should not be employed as Jackson's Head Asthetics QC inspector.

            Good stuff.

            But again, I'll go back to the retailer on this. They should have inspected the guitar on arrival and shipped it back to Jackson. If more retailers started doing this upon recieving defective guitars, the manufacturers would learn. Especially on a premium instrument.
            Blank yo!


            • #7
              Pictures mofo


              • #8
                It was delivered to my house so the guitar center I got it from never took delivery of it. I noticed as soon as I started playing it. It seems like a small problem but it is actually confusing when you're playing and you are used to seeing the 2 dots at the 12th fret.
                I don't know how to post pics, sorry. I'll try to figure it out.


                • #9
                  Unlimited space to host images, easy to use image uploader, albums, photo hosting, sharing, dynamic image resizing on web and mobile.

                  go there. Upload the pictures through the ''upload'' bar. It should send you into your directory. Select the pictures. You can upload more than 1 at a time so lasso a couple of them. Then click upload. It'll take a few seconds depending on your internet speed. Then it'll give you a choice of addresses to copy and paste. If you selected just one picture, they should right under and you will have to copy the one that's indicated as ''Forum Code''. If you upload like 3 or 4 pictures, go to the right bottomish side of the screen and there should be an option tab that you can click that will change de addresses depending on what you need, again go past html and all that and click Forum code then copy paste them here. Or you can just copy the simple hhtp:/ address that it gives you on here and then we will just have to click to link to see it. Hope that helps you


                  • #10
                    Check the case very thoroughly, maybe it popped out and is in there, you could glue it back on/in...
                    "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
                    Gotta get away from here.
                    Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
                    Waitin' for the sun to appear..."


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Frfurter View Post
                      I would probably live with it as well.

                      However, when you go to sell it I'm sure that that might be an issue to some. Just saying....
                      On the contrary, it is now a limited edition.
                      Jackson KV2
                      Jackson KE1T
                      Jackson KE1F
                      Jackson SL1


                      • #12
                        My Adrian Smith arrived today as well. Sorry to hear yours had issues.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Larz View Post
                          On the contrary, it is now a limited edition.

                          That could be a custom shop upcharge! Seriously, that's a big faux pas and it needs to be reconciled by GC since u bought it from there. You said they sold a guitar u had on layaway?! That totally sux and I'd call then walk in all angry to try and get some bux back cos of this...that's strike 2 in my book.

                          Also, if the GC is local, they really should have received the guitar in the first place to inspect it, rather than going directly to you. Granted they might not have picked up the missing marker, but had the guitar arrived with a snapped headstock or other big problem, GC needs to deal w the shipper and Jackson, not you. Give it to them and demand a replacement or fix the original if you like how it plays. IT might take several weeks for them to fix it or send another, so take a loaner PRS limited Dragon from GC free-of-charge until the replacement arrives!
                          "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


                          • #14


                            • #15

