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  • NGD! PC-1 content...

    After having "Pron"-surfed PC-1:s on and off for years, i now can say that i'm a happy owner of an au natural PC-1. I really dig the oiled body and neck. =)

    Played it last night at band-practice and i still have to try out some settings with the Super 3, but i think i like it so far.

    Enough talk and on with the pics...

  • #2
    Very Nice
    Charvel CST 060 1992
    Charvel CST 070 1992
    Charvel CDS 090 1993
    Gibson Les Paul Standard 1993
    Gibson Les Paul DC 2007
    Gibson Les Paul Traditional 2013
    Gibson Les Paul Classic 1999
    Duesenberg 49er 2012
    Duesenberg V-Caster 2007
    Duesenberg Starcaster 2006
    History TH-LS Limited 2009
    History SH-LSV 2010


    • #3
      There is nothing quite like an "Au Natural" PC1........

      A really stunning top Mate!

      Enjoy the guitar


      • #4
        Congrats! Nice pics, too. These PC guitars were made to turn some heads.


        • #5
          Sexy... nothing like a naked blond!


          • #6
            Thanks guys.


            • #7
              Hey man...I just got one last week. I posted a thread about a week ago about the pickups...forgive me if you already replied in my thread (i'm being very lazy and not just looking back at my thread)...but are your bridge and middle pickups angled a bit towards the bridge. I'm looking at your pictures, and in at least one or two pics, it does appear that your pickups, too, are leaning a bit back towards the bridge.

              Beautiful guitar man...I should know...I have the same one sitting right next to me in my living room.

              Todd M


              • #8
                Originally posted by veniculum View Post
                Hey man...I just got one last week. I posted a thread about a week ago about the pickups...forgive me if you already replied in my thread (i'm being very lazy and not just looking back at my thread)...but are your bridge and middle pickups angled a bit towards the bridge. I'm looking at your pictures, and in at least one or two pics, it does appear that your pickups, too, are leaning a bit back towards the bridge.

                Beautiful guitar man...I should know...I have the same one sitting right next to me in my living room.

                They're leaning a tiny bit, but i'm not worrying. They're almost even.


                • #9
                  Thanks so much for the pics man...finally something to compare mine to. I really appreciate it.
                  Mine are definitely leaning more than that....especially the middle p'up. I won't worry about it for still sounds fine. I suppose when I get its first setup, I'll have my guy even them out. I asked him if it was ok when I had him string it with .09s, and he said it was fine....but now that I know that it's not really normal for mine to be that much off, I'll insist he fix it for me.
                  Thanks again buddy...good luck with the guitar....let me know how long the 9 volts last...I'm curious about how long it will be before i have to replace them.

                  Todd M


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by veniculum View Post
                    Thanks so much for the pics man...finally something to compare mine to. I really appreciate it.
                    Mine are definitely leaning more than that....especially the middle p'up. I won't worry about it for still sounds fine. I suppose when I get its first setup, I'll have my guy even them out. I asked him if it was ok when I had him string it with .09s, and he said it was fine....but now that I know that it's not really normal for mine to be that much off, I'll insist he fix it for me.
                    Thanks again buddy...good luck with the guitar....let me know how long the 9 volts last...I'm curious about how long it will be before i have to replace them.

                    You're welcome. I'm glad i could help.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Lakeflower View Post
                      You're welcome. I'm glad i could help.
                      Lake...thanks again...I'm wondering if you could take another pic or two and post I mentioned, I bought mine used from Musicians Friend, as a "condition 1"...meaning "like new"

                      So far, the thing with the pickups is bothering me a little...there's also a small area inside the sustainer/neck looks like somebody tried to put a small screw in there...there's the two main screws...and then 4 holes that are covered in a gloss black...paint I guess. On mine, one of the holes is bigger and it looks like somebody tried to screw something in. It's really a minor flaw, and I just took a sharpie to it, and you can't even tell. There are only two tiny scratches on the guitar's body...which are completely not with all of these, I suppose I can handle it considering I paid over 200 dollars less than new. Unfortunately, the OCD still has me going...I found an area on the back of the guitar...basically, where the neck is bolted to the bridge...there's kind of a cut-out...I don't really know how to describe it...but it's certainly different than any bolt-on I've ever owned. Anyway, in that one spot, it looks like mine got dinged a little...or scratched...It doesn't look like any kind of significant crack....just something else for me to bitch and moan about

                      I'm going to post a few shots....perhaps you wouldn't mind taking some photos of the same area...just so I can compare...once again...I need a basis of comparison if I'm going to complain about this. has a 45 day policy...and I'm still trying to make up my mind if this thing is up to the standards it should be...considering the money I paid for it. Between the pickups being angled towards the bridge..definitely more than yours...the little screw hole in the sustainer pickup..and now this small area on the back of the guitar (it's actually part of the body...not the neck)....I don't think I'll do any better if I send it back, quite frankly...or at least I don't know if I should take that chance...this one is really in good shape....Once again...I'm just I need to make sure....2 grand is a lot of quiche!

                      Thanks are the pics...if you look at the upper right side (about 5 o'clock to the top right bolt) of the 'Jackson' plate, you can see a small scratch, and a piece of the body that looks like it was shaped that way..just kinda strange...looks a little scratched up too. I'd just like to see another one so I can see if these are all that way.

                      Last edited by veniculum; 05-17-2010, 11:20 PM.
                      Todd M


                      • #12
                        Yay! Someone who actually has OCD, to make me look like a normal "just kind of picky" guy.

                        Really, you could send it back and pay full price for a brand new one with the same kind of "flaws."


                        • #13
                          Hey Todd. I'll see if i can take some pictures later this evening.


                          • #14
                            Hi Todd.

                            The "scratch" you´re mentioning is from the routing, i guess. It´s the same on my PC...

                            ...and i have the hole on the sustainer pickup aswell. Maybe it has something to do with the installment?

                            But this caught my eye when i removed the backplate. Two screw-tips has been screwed through the body...Wtf? I wasn't expecting that from a 2000$ guitar haha. But i don't mind about that either because it plays and looks great and i love it. My peavey HP has got some competition ofr being my fav axe.


                            • #15
                              The screws through the body happen more often than you think.
                              Those are the grounding screws from under each pickup.

                              The holes in the sustainer driver are normal... they ALL look like that.

