So there i was. in the market for a new USA Jackson.. I made up my on a SL1T when i saw the beauty below..
Now im a Jackson Fan spent many hours drooling over custom shops, usa and even some import ones... now that i own a few i still like to see the "rare" stuff and i believe this one is no expection to that term...
The serial number shows it to be 1997 J6359 And i was told it came from Guitar Center in Dallas TX. But did not have the orginal papers.. I figure it was a short run made for GC but ???
What i do know about it is that is Just like Randys "Concorde" in almost every way but 2 long fins instead of the Traditional Rhoads style shape.. Thats whats throwing me a curve..
Only markings i found where in the pickup cavities.. Neck says 10-15 Bod(y)? and bridge cavity only has the number 1
Its quite a bit heavier than my RR1t or my Jackson Stars Rhoads even my KV2 is lighter..
So Calling all Jackson Experts.. Anyone have some links to something like this? Or know anything about it?
REVISE - Just got off the phone with my buddy at Guitar Center. he typed the serial number in and some info popped up..
The title they have it listed by is Jackson Custom Shop King V pinstripe. Received in Arlington at 10-30-97 and Sold in Dallas LBJ Store on 11-1-97 So didnt sit long..
But no other info like wood, specs, why it has a weird v shape. But making progess.. Keep the info coming if you know some things or 3..
Here are the pics..

Now im a Jackson Fan spent many hours drooling over custom shops, usa and even some import ones... now that i own a few i still like to see the "rare" stuff and i believe this one is no expection to that term...
The serial number shows it to be 1997 J6359 And i was told it came from Guitar Center in Dallas TX. But did not have the orginal papers.. I figure it was a short run made for GC but ???
What i do know about it is that is Just like Randys "Concorde" in almost every way but 2 long fins instead of the Traditional Rhoads style shape.. Thats whats throwing me a curve..
Only markings i found where in the pickup cavities.. Neck says 10-15 Bod(y)? and bridge cavity only has the number 1
Its quite a bit heavier than my RR1t or my Jackson Stars Rhoads even my KV2 is lighter..
So Calling all Jackson Experts.. Anyone have some links to something like this? Or know anything about it?
REVISE - Just got off the phone with my buddy at Guitar Center. he typed the serial number in and some info popped up..
The title they have it listed by is Jackson Custom Shop King V pinstripe. Received in Arlington at 10-30-97 and Sold in Dallas LBJ Store on 11-1-97 So didnt sit long..
But no other info like wood, specs, why it has a weird v shape. But making progess.. Keep the info coming if you know some things or 3..
Here are the pics..
