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NGD! WR1 and KV2

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Newc View Post
    Yup. Came tuned down to D, which suits the Invader nicely.
    I've got an Invader in a WRMG tuned to C# which also sounds nice.

    The Full Shred isn't too bad as a neck pickup.

    The KV has dual JBs - including an actual neck model (with the screws on the neck coil). My NASLs came with a JB in the neck, but it was a regular bridge model.

    How are you finding the JB in the neck? I'd likely swap for a Jazz as soon as it arrived.
    I like EL34s.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Grim View Post
      Personally, I think they are very worth it.
      I'm sure they are, but I can't dump that kinda money just in a guitar. I have a RR1 and numerous neck thru MIJ Jackson's and honestly I can't justify paying the price difference. Purely IMO of course. My fav one to play of the fleet is a KV4, then comes a tie between the RR1 & RR24, then comes the RR5FR, & RR5.

      Then again I can easily dump 5-6K in a built shortblock and another 4-5K in head, valvetrain, intake work, and a custom grind cam

      All depends on what your priorities are and where they rank.

      Is there any other brand of guitar...?

      My fleet of guitars


      • #18
        Originally posted by Grim View Post
        How are you finding the JB in the neck? I'd likely swap for a Jazz as soon as it arrived.
        I prefer the JB as a neck pickup, and do not like it as a bridge pickup. It's great if all you play is Megadeth, or if you otherwise want the no-balls-and-nasal-congestion tone the JB delivers, but there's other stuff out there to play.
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