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New member, back in the Jackson USA family!

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  • New member, back in the Jackson USA family!

    I picked this beast up at my local GC today. I had a Jackson USA RR1 a while back that was my main gigging guitar for about 5-6 years, but after I got an ESP KH-2, the RR1 wasn't getting any play, and I sold it to my best friend for $650 (which was half of what I paid for it). Ever since then I've been wanting another Jackson USA and when I saw this come through the store, I snatched it up. Jackson USA KV2 with Silver/Purple Ghost Flames. Its got the typical Jackson pickup set in it (JB/Jazz), and an Original Floyd. I've got a couple of questions that maybe you guys can answer for me:

    1) I'd like to change the tuners. Would it be possible to put Sperzels on this just to make my string changes a bit easier? Has anyone done this?

    2) I'm not a huge fan on the Seymour Duncans, so can someone recommend me a set of good passive pickups? I'm looking for something ballsy and tight in the low end for the bridge, and something smooth and creamy in the neck position for those liquid leads. I play progressive metal/rock and I'm using a Boogie Mark V head and a Boogie Stiletto Straight 4x12 if that helps. Thanks in advance!

    Here are the pics:


  • #2
    Hey Phil, welcome! Bitchin ghost flamage there! Now take some pics with the whole guitar in the shot! (GTWGITS)
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


    • #3
      Hello, hello!!!
      Great axe!
      Sperzels seem to defeat the purpose of a Floyd, you ask was supposed to be made for tuning stability, and proved to be frustrating: I've hated it since day one, so I have string-thru and Tone Pros bridges every time.
      Passive PUs....check out DiMarzios is you don't have any hatred of the brand lol. Bareknuckle also is ok from the sound bytes I heard....worth the time to listen to a lot of stuff first!


      • #4
        You sold an RR1 for $650? He must be a VERY good friend.

        Anyway, firstly, that's a beautiful KV2 Black Ghost Flame you have there, congratulations.
        I dont know why you'd have a problem with the tuners but putting Sperzels on his kind of over-egging the pudding somewhat.
        I'd stick with the ones you have to be honest. Have a spare axe for string breaks if you're on-stage.

        As for different pups. Well from what you describe I think you might like a Di Marzio Tone Zone (bridge) and a PAF pro in the neck.
        Or you might like a BKP Nailbomb (Bridge) Cold Sweat (Neck).
        But there are Seymours that will do the job you're asking perfectly too. Like a SH-6 (Bridge) and Full Shred (neck).
        All men play on 10. Never gonna turn down again.


        • #5
          Don't hate on Duncans. Throw a TB-6 (Distortion) in the bridge of that KV2 and SH-2 (Jazz) in the neck assuming there isn't one there already. You won't regret it.

          Nice axe btw. I was watching one of those on eBay last week, but I've already bought too many guitars this summer.


          • #6
            There's a KV2 (I think - I'm not good with KV's) at GC for $999 in solid black. Is that a good deal? I probably won't get it because I already have 2 RR1's and a RR24M.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mazrim View Post
              Or you might like a BKP Nailbomb (Bridge) Cold Sweat (Neck).
              funny I was going to recommend the exact set. Unless he's looking for extra tightness, maybe a PK or MM in the bridge instead of the nailbomb. Depends whether you're looking for smoother or tigher.


              • #8
                Originally posted by RacerX View Post
                Hey Phil, welcome! Bitchin ghost flamage there! Now take some pics with the whole guitar in the shot! (GTWGITS)
                I'm gonna get some nice outdoor shots hopefully this week!

                Originally posted by Skizzwizz View Post
                Hello, hello!!!
                Great axe!
                Sperzels seem to defeat the purpose of a Floyd, you ask was supposed to be made for tuning stability, and proved to be frustrating: I've hated it since day one, so I have string-thru and Tone Pros bridges every time.
                Passive PUs....check out DiMarzios is you don't have any hatred of the brand lol. Bareknuckle also is ok from the sound bytes I heard....worth the time to listen to a lot of stuff first!
                DiMarzio is one of my favorite brands. I've tried a bunch and loved all of them. I've done the same with Duncans, but I'm just not into them. I may check out the BKP's.

                Originally posted by Mazrim View Post
                You sold an RR1 for $650? He must be a VERY good friend.

                Anyway, firstly, that's a beautiful KV2 Black Ghost Flame you have there, congratulations.
                I dont know why you'd have a problem with the tuners but putting Sperzels on his kind of over-egging the pudding somewhat.
                I'd stick with the ones you have to be honest. Have a spare axe for string breaks if you're on-stage.

                As for different pups. Well from what you describe I think you might like a Di Marzio Tone Zone (bridge) and a PAF pro in the neck.
                Or you might like a BKP Nailbomb (Bridge) Cold Sweat (Neck).
                But there are Seymours that will do the job you're asking perfectly too. Like a SH-6 (Bridge) and Full Shred (neck).
                My best friend Mike (who I've known since Kindergarten was the one I sold it to, he's a good guy, so I hooked him up). I'm thinking I may just go with the BKP's. I'm not a Duncan fan at all. I've played a bunch of them and they're just not my type of sound. Regarding the tuners, I just want something to make string changes easier on me. I have a custom Suhr Modern coming in about 3 weeks and that will have a Gotoh Floyd Rose and Sperzel locking tuners, so thats kinda why I was asking.

                Originally posted by H8Red442 View Post
                Don't hate on Duncans. Throw a TB-6 (Distortion) in the bridge of that KV2 and SH-2 (Jazz) in the neck assuming there isn't one there already. You won't regret it.

                Nice axe btw. I was watching one of those on eBay last week, but I've already bought too many guitars this summer.

                Originally posted by DonP View Post
                There's a KV2 (I think - I'm not good with KV's) at GC for $999 in solid black. Is that a good deal? I probably won't get it because I already have 2 RR1's and a RR24M.
                I saw that one on the used GC site this week. I'm not a fan of just regular black guitars, so once I saw this with the ghost flames, I had to have it. It if was standard black, I wouldn't have gone for it.

                Originally posted by ccasj View Post
                funny I was going to recommend the exact set. Unless he's looking for extra tightness, maybe a PK or MM in the bridge instead of the nailbomb. Depends whether you're looking for smoother or tigher.
                I'll keep the suggestions in mind. Thanks for the warm welcome guys!



                • #9
                  when restringing just put the ball ends of the stings at the tuners, that's what I've been doing for years. It works great.


                  • #10
                    Well a Bareknuckle Ceramic Nailbomb or Painkiler in the bridge with a Cold Sweat in the neck is my favourite combo, but if you're open to DiMarzio, You could give the Super 3 a shot for me in the bridge and maybe a PAF Pro, Liquifire of Evolution in the neck.

                    Welcome to the forums!
                    I like EL34s.


                    • #11
                      Sperzels need some surgery to install. You have to drill out the holes and drill additional holes for the locating pins. I don't like the locking wheel too much either on the sperzels. I find they cut in to my fingers a little, being a bit thin.

                      I put these on my RR1T and they worked out great. The holes require a slight bit of reaming to drop them in, but the locating screws line up perfectly with the stock holes...

                      GTWGITS! - RacerX


                      • #12
                        I used the planet waves with the built in string cutter. You do have to open the holes a little or atleast i did but they are awesome tuners. As far as them being overkill well thats what guitar is all about and I love being able to make a floyd string change just that much faster. As far as pickups go, I have no Idea. Im still searching for the right combo in my jackson kelly.


                        • #13
                          If you are set on the Dimarzio try the Tone Zone in the bridge and an Air Norton in the neck I had these in one of my Ibanezes and it is a great setup for prog rock. I think these even came in the JP models for a while.
                          Damn this is an expensive hobby.....


                          • #14
                            I have that set up in an Ibanez J Custom. With a Blue Velvet single coil in the middle.
                            The Tone Zone and Blue Velvet are fantastic but I'm not sold on the Air Norton. Its a bit flubby for me.
                            I might put an Evo or PAF pro in there.
                            All men play on 10. Never gonna turn down again.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
                              Sperzels need some surgery to install. You have to drill out the holes and drill additional holes for the locating pins.
                              The little locating pins aren't even necessary... take a pair of pliers and rip them out.
                              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

