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Should I trade my SL1 for an RR1? (Poll attached)

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Acesofbelkan View Post
    650$??? WOW....If you're still thinking about it, the best thing to do is to find a fellow member who'd be willing to trade. If noone wants to trade then just be patient and you'll be rewarded in the future
    Yeah, there's no way I'll take that when I see them go for $1100.00+ on E-Bay all the time, and some of them are older and have some dents or scratches. This one is like brand new. I also pointed out that, since this is the Southeast, they'll have a much easier time selling a Strat-style body than a pointy heavy metal machine. They actually agreed.

    So I'm glad the dust has settled on this. The Rhoads just doesn't speak to me in the way the Warrior does.
    Member - National Sarcasm Society

    "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


    • #32
      I voted go for the Rhoads, but thats because I love both of mine. But if you really want a Warrior and the Rhoads was only sexy because she was easy, then hold out for the Warrior. It will definitely feel alot closer to the Soloists than the Rhoads will.
      GTWGITS! - RacerX


      • #33
        Originally posted by PowerTube View Post
        They offered me ......brace yourselves.... $650.00 against their asking price.
        What the hell do you think they'd offer?

        If you go into GC wanting to trade, be prepared to grab your ankles and take it up the @$$.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
          I voted go for the Rhoads, but thats because I love both of mine. But if you really want a Warrior and the Rhoads was only sexy because she was easy, then hold out for the Warrior. It will definitely feel alot closer to the Soloists than the Rhoads will.
          She was sexy enough, but her pimps were on crack!
          Member - National Sarcasm Society

          "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


          • #35
            Originally posted by DonP View Post
            What the hell do you think they'd offer?

            If you go into GC wanting to trade, be prepared to grab your ankles and take it up the @$$.
            Actually, that hasn't been my experience. I traded my Fender Strat HM there and they did me right, about $600.00 or so. I guess it depends on which employee you get.
            Member - National Sarcasm Society

            "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


            • #36
              The real fn question is "when is jackson (fender) going to start making the rr1 stock with 24 frets?" i use my 24th fret on my king v all the time with megadeth slayer cover band etc! But i love d rr1 shape better! Would have gotten another one but went with kv2 cause i needed 24 frets. Ahhhh the sweet sweet sound of that last fret that no one else n my band can get to! Btw get d rr1!


              • #37
                Originally posted by PowerTube View Post
                Actually, that hasn't been my experience. I traded my Fender Strat HM there and they did me right, about $600.00 or so. I guess it depends on which employee you get.
                Get out of TOWN! $600??? They go for that sometimes on ebay, but typically $400.

                FWIW, my pair of HM Strats are two of my favorite guitars (mine are the early ones from 88 and 89). I hope you got something good for them. I'm tempted to but one of every color. They just do everything metal just right. Maiden to Jake E Lee.


                • #38
                  i played a HM strat, I loved it. The rolled fretboard edges felt nice and it just looked like a 80s guitar, I loved the cheesy 80s looking logo on it.
                  A little bit back on topic, I'm not sure why jackson doesnt offer a 24fret rhoads. Maybe not enough demand?

