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My KV2 is now EMG X series equipped!

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  • My KV2 is now EMG X series equipped!

    I figured since Jackson does use emg's in quite a few guitars and I only play USA guitars this was the best forum for my post. Let me just say Im amazed with these new things! Now I know many dont care for emg pickups. While ive used them before I found them not to be very versatile and did only one thing. Granted they did that one thing extremely well. But I love versatility. As much as I play metal when I want to play some lush clean stuff or rip out a blues lick I dont want to have to put one guitar down and pick another up as my playing mood changes very fast and everytime I play I find myself playing a wide variety of music in very little time. So lately its been passive pickups. And while I love my carvins, dimarzios and even have a spot in my heart for my duncans that are waiting their new home I found myself yearning for just an all out aggressive take no prisoners pickup to put in my KV2.

    I had tried all the original emgs but wanted something different. I have tried blackouts and while they had the output they to me lacked the definition and articulation that I wanted. The set I had were very muddy. Some say they have never experienced it while their are also a many who say they have. I dont know if thats inconsistency with the product or just the type of guitar they were in etc. So it comes down to the new EMG X series. I was hesitant as I wanted everything I loved about the EMGs (articulation, aggressive sound, high harmonic content) but was worried they would still possess the things i hated about them which was the cold sterile cleans, non existent dynamics. For me with original emgs they didnt respond hardly at all to picking technique. A soft or hard picking attack got you relatively the same sound. These new EMG's are what my ears have been waiting for for a long time. The cleans almost sound like a piezo acoustic and are clear and bell like. When run with high amounts of gain they are absolutely brutal with such definition that you better be on your game that day because your gonna hear a mistake. I opted for the 60X in the neck and the 81X for the bridge. Im telling you the dynamics are their. I would even say these new pickups have more harmonic content than the originals. Plus the notes sound sweeter than they used to.

    Now dont misunderstand me, these are definitely emg pickups so for those of you who never liked anything about EMG's I wouldnt even recommend you try them. But for those of you who really liked the EMG sound but felt there was just this little something missing that you couldnt quite put your finger on then I would say you just have to do yourself a favor and atleast find a guitar that has these pickups as OEM equipment (washburn, some jacksons) and give em a run. I was more than surprised. My jaw darn near hit the floor. Oh yeah another cool thing was since I purchased the new series they came with a free EMG T-shirt for each pickup. Not a huge deal but a neat little something to sweeten the pot. Now im not about to go and swap every single pickup in all my guitars to these emg's as I love different qualities in all my different guitars and like the variety. But I would say that its a very safe bet that I will keep atleast one guitar equipped with these at all times. I was weary with the limited reviews and poor sound samples available online but all those fears are unfounded. I hope my little rant hear helped some of you who may have been on the fence about them.

  • #2
    Yeah, EMG literature claims these X series pickups give you all the organics of a passive pickup but with the added benefits of an active system.
    "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
    Gotta get away from here.
    Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
    Waitin' for the sun to appear..."


    • #3
      Originally posted by Tmoran View Post
      Now dont misunderstand me, these are definitely emg pickups so for those of you who never liked anything about EMG's I wouldnt even recommend you try them.
      That is the problem I had with them. I tried the 81x in my Les Paul. It sounded better than the regular 81 but it still sounded like EMG's. So, I went back to passives.

