Has Jackson ever made entirely flaw-free guitars? I've seen plenty of them from the "glory days" with all sorts of ad hoc manufacturing decisions, like Kahler string locks halfway screwed in and sitting on top of the trussrod cover, messy looking Floyd nut shims, "orange peel" finish imperfections, etc. etc.
I just don't recall people being as picky about this stuff in the pre-Internet days. Hell, I wouldn't have even known what to look for. A guitar either worked right or it didn't. Not to excuse expensive guitars that are poorly built, but I would take a guitar with slight flaws that plays and sounds great every time over some flawless dud.
I just don't recall people being as picky about this stuff in the pre-Internet days. Hell, I wouldn't have even known what to look for. A guitar either worked right or it didn't. Not to excuse expensive guitars that are poorly built, but I would take a guitar with slight flaws that plays and sounds great every time over some flawless dud.