I was going through the old catalogs doing some comparisons trying to figure out when and why Jackson switched over to a 22 fret DInky in the mid 90's when I put it all together.. Apparently they did not want to compete against there other guitar models,, The Dinky Exotic and Charvel Reissue IV... Note they are the same EXACT guitar except for the headstock shape.. ('95 and '96 catalogs)

So, to have a regular run Dinky they had to change something.. notice the strange pickup spacing and 22 fret neck.. Not sure why they went with poplar as the body wood though..('96-'98 catalogs, no more "exotic" option available)

So, to have a regular run Dinky they had to change something.. notice the strange pickup spacing and 22 fret neck.. Not sure why they went with poplar as the body wood though..('96-'98 catalogs, no more "exotic" option available)