I bought this baby from Tonemonster a while back. There were a number of issues to be resolved, but Tone disclosed all of these in addition to giving me a good price.
So, I've finally got everything knocked out. The board has an odd look, with a nice figuring combined with some grit and grime and perhaps an unusual oil applied at some point. I had my tech clean and lighten it in up a shade and Tru Oil it. The original stringlock had a makeshift OFR conversion attempted at some point, so I had my tech completely redo it. It is nice and clean work, as usual. The guitar had a mix of EMG's and disconnected J100's, so I followed through with EMG S's for the singles. They sound killer in this guitar. You can see some trem stud washers, an oversized pickup ring sized for EMG, and a trem cavity cover from Budman on there. This baby took a setup like a mother, very low action with low buzz. The Dunlops Straploks came with it and are a bit goofy, but they work so I left 'em on. The crackle is probably the nicest I've ever seen. Plus, it's...like...pink and stuff. 
