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Holoflash clear coat issues?

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  • Holoflash clear coat issues?

    Does anyone know if there were issues with the clear coat on holoflash (not sure if that is what Jackson called it) finishes on Jacksons?

    There is an 1993 SL1 with holoflash for sale, but from the pictures it looks like the clear coat is separating from the finish underneath. The guy selling it said that it looks like air bubbles between the paint and the clear coat. Lots of big grey circles.

    I have always loved the finish and have been keeping an eye out for one, but after seeing the pics I think I will pass on this one. But I'm wondering if it is a common issue with holoflash, or if it is just something that happened on this guitar. If it is known issue I think I will take it off my 'wanted' finishes list...

  • #2
    Yes there were. The finish was called 'holo-flake' though.

    I was sent one on approval from AKAI back in the day, and the clear was lifting in several places, notably between the pickups and on the face of the guitar above the fingerboard.
    Popular is not the same as good
    Rare is not the same as valuable
    Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


    • #3
      Just remembered, I think Jackson called it holoflake...


      • #4
        Thanks Neilli.

        Very good to know. I really like the finish, but if it had recurring issues, I think I'll stay away.


        • #5
          These guitars would be pretty old now, so I'd have thought that any issues would already be apparent. I can't see them suddenly appearing now. But I guess anything is possible, and what is there could get worse..
          Popular is not the same as good
          Rare is not the same as valuable
          Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


          • #6
            After posting that I realized the issues you were talking about probably would show up early on, not years later.

            So it sounds like I can leave holoflake on my wish list, but pass on this specific guitar. In the future I'll know to look closely for clear coat issues.

            Again, thanks a lot for the info.


            • #7
              No worries It's a great looking finish, if you can find one in good shape.
              Popular is not the same as good
              Rare is not the same as valuable
              Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


              • #8
                i have one, and it is perfect. i got in 2005, brand new. here are some pics:


                some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                and finally....

                i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


                • #9
                  I agree, that is perfect.

                  Definitely one of my favorite finishes.


                  • #10
                    I had one same issues. It was gradually becoming a flat black guitar. Shame since it played and sounded great. Just not a road durable finish. I wound up selling it to someone to become a "wall hanger"


                    • #11
                      Did your guitar always have the issues, or was it fine for a while and they developed later?

                      I'm still trying to figure out if it is an issue that happens at the outset (when the finish is applied), or one that happens over time. MarkD's looks amazing after 6 years, so it seems that there are good ones and bad ones.


                      • #12
                        when I got it it had a little back then I had a lot of gigs and not as many guitars as now so I used it for several gigs and it got worse and worse. Maybe I have some kind of Acid sweat (or maybe its the beer) but again Id say the gigging really did that one in..


                        • #13
                          I should probably clarify that the guitars I've seen with the issue were from the 90's. I didn't realise that they still offered the finish, but if they were doing it in 2005, maybe they've worked out a solution. As they did with the clearcoat lifting on the edge of Charvel headstocks..
                          Popular is not the same as good
                          Rare is not the same as valuable
                          Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


                          • #14
                            That's a good point. The one I was talking about is a 1993, so maybe it was just the older ones that had the problems.

                            I didn't know they made the finish as recently as 2005 either, I always assumed it was late 80s, early 90s only. It doesn't show up as an option now, so I wonder when they discontinued it.


                            • #15
                              as far as i know, they only made a few in 2005. there was a rhoads and a dinky for the '05 catalog....then i think maybe mine. i don't know for sure. also, i am pretty sure that holoflake was dropped after 2005.

                              mine has held up well. it is my number one gigging guitar. i have played about 100 shows with it in the time i have owned it. no finish issues.

                              some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                              some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                              and finally....

                              i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!

