This my dear friends is a factory installed volume pot from a 1997 Jackson PC1. It has never been tampered with to the best of my knowledge and is in the same condition as when it left the factory.
These guitars (and I have owned at least 6-7 PC1's) have been hands down the worst soldering I have EVER seen!
My MIJ Jackson's and even my Model Series Charvel's and heck even countless Squier's have had neater and cleaner soldering.
Is it any wonder that I spend more time servicing my PC1's than I do playing them?
And they sold for what back in 1997? Almost 3K?
These guitars (and I have owned at least 6-7 PC1's) have been hands down the worst soldering I have EVER seen!
My MIJ Jackson's and even my Model Series Charvel's and heck even countless Squier's have had neater and cleaner soldering.
Is it any wonder that I spend more time servicing my PC1's than I do playing them?
And they sold for what back in 1997? Almost 3K?