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Opinions on EMGs in SL2H

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  • Opinions on EMGs in SL2H

    I had an old Erie Des SL1 that had an emg in the bridge and it sounded killer. I was wondering what some of you feel about a set of actives in the SL2H. Do you think the guitar loses some of its character or tone? Some folks say all guitars despite wood, style, bridge, etc sound the same with actives. I didn't notice that at all with my SL1 but then again I never had that guitar with anything else in it to compare.

  • #2
    I love EMGs in an SL2H. I don't think that all guitars sound the same with EMGs, but a lot of folks do. I've got an SL2HT and an SL2 custom that both have the 81/85 set, and they sound very different to my ears. Both of them run the 18volt set up, which I think helps with the sterility that some complain about with EMGs.

    I also have an SL2HT with the TB-4/59 set. I bought the guitar thinking I would swap the pups, but I absolutely love the way it sounds, and will never change it.

    I am in the same boat as you though, I have never had these guitars with other pickups in them. All of them came from the factory with the pickups that are in them, so I can't compare what the guitars sound like with different pups. If pressed I would say the EMGs seem brighter to me, with the SDs having a bit more warmth. I love both, so I don't know that I could recommend one over the other.


    • #3
      The JB/59 combo sounds great in mine.. but I can't help but wonder what other pups may do in there. For an Ebony board and JB.. I don't consider my sl2h bright at all, and one would think it would be. its almost 'mellow'.


      • #4
        I think that's why I ended up with multiple guitars. Whenever I wonder what a guitar might sound like with other pups I convince myself that I should get a different guitar because I would lose the sound I have originally.

        I have yet to get a guitar that played great that I disliked the sound enough to swap pickups. I'm actually hoping for it to some degree. I would like to have an axe that I used as a tester for different brands and models of pickups.


        • #5
          Your best bet is buy 'em & try 'em in your guitar. Luckily there's plenty of folks out there that swear by EMG's so if you aren't happy you can probably sell or trade them for something else fairly easily.


          • #6
            I had a 81x and 89x-r in my CS Soloist a while back. They were great pickups and more enjoyable than the metal only style of the older EMGs.


            • #7
              i love the 81/85 combo in my sl2h. the bridge is sizzling and hot, and the neck is warm and roomy and gives great clean tones.
              198? Charvel Model 2B s/n 245085
              1987 Charvel Model 6 s/n C707218
              2001 SL2H Black Pearl s/n U09404
              2006 SL2HT Burnt Cherry Sunburst s/n U18151
              2008 USA C/S Soloist Soft Arch Carved Top Tiger Eye JA0510
              2009 Adrian Smith Dinky s/n 006666 (Ebony Fretboard)
              2009 Adrian Smith Dinky s/n 007066 (Maple Freboard)


              • #8
                I prefer the stock seymour duncans, personally. I can see the appeal of the EMGs as I dug them in my soloist for a while.


                • #9
                  It's really up to the guitar itself. Some Soloists sound great with EMG's but that same guitar doesn't get it with Duncans. Or another Soloist rocks with Dimarzios in it, but put EMG's in that one, it sucks. It's up to the guitar, at least in my experiences.
                  "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
                  Gotta get away from here.
                  Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
                  Waitin' for the sun to appear..."


                  • #10
                    take a listen to the demo i posted in my ngd thread ..... i never cared for em now i am a believer....


                    • #11
                      I think you should just try it out, because IMO all guitars sound different, even 2 of the same model. BTW give Duncan Blackouts a try while you're at it.
                      I want to go out nice and peaceful in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming and hollering like the passengers in his car.


                      • #12
                        Try the EMGs out. I prefer the 85 in the bridge and 81 in the neck, but others like the opposite, and you can always easily swap them around to see what works best for you.
                        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                        • #13
                          I am with Toejam, I hated the duncans, and converted to EMG, found the 81 too hard and nazal in the bridge and the 85 too bassy in the neck ( I use 4 x 12), so swapped them around and got sonic heaven. Dumped the "never used it anyway" tone control and added an EMG SPC for the big creamy lead sounds and more sustain, and I am a real happy camper. I went 18V, and the only downfall is the guitar volume between 1 and 0 is like a switch, so I may experiment with a different resistance of volume pot some time. My dimmer lights make no interference at all ith these pickups.
                          7 Charvels and a load of other stuff.


                          • #14
                            I just ordered Seymour Blackouts for my SL1, they were great in my ibanez giger


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by KK666 View Post
                              I just ordered Seymour Blackouts for my SL1, they were great in my ibanez giger
                              I'll be interested to hear how these sound as the general opinion in most guitars is good !
                              7 Charvels and a load of other stuff.

