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NGD...was this past Thursday

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  • NGD...was this past Thursday

    I'd have posted earlier, but I had to travel 600 miles for work....didn't have much time with my new SL2H after it showed up at my doorstep. I had to leave, literally, three hours later...and I hadn't started packing.

    Anyway, I finally got back home tonight from Charlotte, NC...nice town...nice people...and those women down there...NICE
    In any event, I got a chance to FINALLY sit down and play this thing. I recently bought an SL3 from Sams Ass, and I really liked it used, and (at least I think) I got a good deal on it. Well...after the boss gave me a substantial raise, not long after, I figured what the hell..go for broke, despite the obvious disgust of the fun police...fuck her

    I took my SL3 back to SA, and got my money back. I liked that guitar...but didn't love it. But this USA trans blue is one hellova good looking guitar....and it plays and sounds incredible.

    I've wanted a soloist since the 80s....when you couldn't turn on MTV and not see one. It's great to know that they still make quality guitars...I'm so used to seeing the cheapy Jacksons on the walls of GC, SA, etc...(and I'm not bashing those things...they're just not for me). I knew that the SL3 that I had was a quality piece. It's finish was really top notch...and it played great. If I had to compare the Japanese vs. the USA's pretty easy to tell the difference..but there was a surprise or two. The SL2H is a heavier, more substantial guitar...the trem is obviously superior (MIG)...and the finish definitely nicer on the US guitar. The bridge pickup is the same...then there's the binding on this's fantastic...along with the ebony board, it's just a better guitar. One thing that did surprise me was the neck...the Japanese version was thinner...considerably thinner. It was almost Ibanez-like....which I didn't particularly like at first, but I will grew on me. Anyway... I will always say...the Japanese version was nice, and I certainly wouldn't recommend against it. I will say...if you can spare the extra 7 or 800 bucks, go for the USA model.

    So that's my first impression. Here's a couple pics (taken with the phone camera...but in all could be a professional grade camera and my pictures would probably still look like shit...I don't know how some of you guys do it

    Todd M

  • #2
    Awesome score! Always wanted a Trans Blue SL2H. Or a Cabo SL2H.
    "The BLUES is the tonic for what ails ya."


    • #3
      Congrats man! Probably my favorite color of the SL2h right there...

      Making me jelly and giving me some major GAS lol.


      • #4
        Nice acquisition! How did the neck of the SL3 feel compared to the SL2? I assume the SL3 seemed slightly narrow compared to the SL2? There was a natural SL3 on the bay a while ago that I was pondering. I figured if it felt like my Model 6, it would be perfect.

