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Completely disapointed with Jackson/Fender QC...

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  • #46
    I read where you said Jackson didn't have a chance to look at it, so blaming them is unfair.

    Rich or not, that's bullshit. You paid for a working, top of the line, Jackson USA guitar. That guitar sounds like it had more issues than something that could've just happened from sitting or a poor set-up (not saying youd di a poor job, but maybe since it had so many issues, you couldn't get it right no matter what, but still nothing you could've done would've done that).

    This should've been caught by Jackson/FMIC quality control. This guitar should've been fixed or trashed.


    • #47
      ive had simular issues with many jackson i have bought over the years . thankfully i always buy them from a store here that gives me 30 days to return for full refund . these issues and jackson/fenders price hikes have led me to play other brand guitars now . i was playing jacksons for almost 10 years and not to say that they are the only company with problems like this , but it was happening with way to many new jacksons i was recieving . a 3k guitar should NEVER leave the factory with issues like that . PERIOD .


      • #48
        This thread sucks...

        ...because I'M FUCKIN' RICH!



        • #49
          Should've seen this coming...
          "I have so much gayness at times. My wife walks in my music room, and there I am, in my undies, listening to "Sister Christian" while lighting fireworks..doin' blow." - Bill Z

          "I leave off the back plate and pinch my forskin between the tension springs. That may not work for everyone. But I find that the people love it. Half the tone is in the pud." - Bill Z


          • #50
            What's up with all the haters? Give us an update when you get the guitar back, hope it smokes.

            And on the issue of Jackson QC, if you are going to charge $3k for an axe, that shit better be so clean the virgin mary herself would want to play it. Alas, this is not, and never will be, the case. Such is business...


            • #51
              There's nothing I can say that hasn't been said before in this thread. I personally don't feel you're to blame, because I'm kind of the same way. Last time I got a pickup installed by a repair shop, they fucked up the wiring on the toggle switch and I put the guitar in it's case for about a month just because of how frustrated I was with it. When I picked it up, I learned what was wrong and fixed it myself.

              I hope you're satisfied with your guitar in the end.

              (Btw, I'm half certain the guy that said you stole the guitar was kidding!)


              • #52
                I see the subversive commie elements in the USA are still strong. The truth is most people have no issues with capitalism and if you got rich through hard work and ingenuity then that is to be applauded. The problem is that in reality these days, we live in a quasi capitalist-communist time, where the rich are bailed by poor hard working tax payers and reward themselves with huge bonuses out of the funds and you really can';t make it big from the bottom up because of the glass ceilings. Large private companies too big to fail are subsidized by the public purse and not everyone has a fair crack at the whip in competition against the big utility providers and government lobbyists. In other words money talks and all us surfs end up being effectively again 'taxed' by law to pay corrupt private utility and insurance corporations who offer excuses but are tied up in the banking crisis or see us as cash cows with the governments backhanded blessing.

                The thing is like with any company, if you DON'T make an issue of substandard goods then it will affect us all ultimately. Jackson is going to look over the number of complaints and returns at the end of the year and say if they are one short of being significant they might let it lie.

                Who knows if you had complained initially, maybe the Mexican immigrant who made the guitar would be tapped on the wrist or executed, maybe it would be the straw that broke the camels back and would have resulted in a serious review of QC.

                I think we all know that the truth is that probably nothing would have been done....

                I don't see anything wrong with completely dissassembling a new guitar and setting it up to your own spec. I think this is a matter of course for a new guitar anyway. But if the issues are serious, you should at least make it known to the company. This is how the system works. Don't take liberty for granted because soon enough none of us may have any.

                Anyway nothing wrong with donating $2.5k to an American company who employ (Newly qualified) American citizens in my book. Better than giving to charity.
                Last edited by ginsambo; 02-14-2012, 02:46 AM.
                You can't really be jealous of something you can't fathom.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by veemagic View Post
                  I think your statement of "Completely disappointed with Jackson/ Fender QC" is a bit unfair.
                  I don't think so. I'm afraid to order anything from them just on their track record alone. Knowing a few other people who don't even come here, they basically share my fear. They love Jacksons, but know how likely they are to screw up something.

                  Correct me if I am wrong but Fender/Jackson never got a chance to look at this or correct this at all.
                  Fender was good about this right after the acquisition of Jackson, but just before that AMIC CJ's were having quite a few regular issues with custom pieces and USA Selects with issues that should have never shipped.

                  Looks like they hired someone new or someone is hating their job, because it sounds like QC is spotty once again.
                  The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                  • #54
                    I gotta say that I see where the guy is coming from. and who cares what he does with his property?

                    some of the issues he had with his PC1 are not that far off from some adjustments I had to make with mine when I got it. there are others on here that comment about poor QC coming out of Jackson. none of this is new.

                    he's disappointed with them. yeah? so what? he's got a higher expectation that some. nothing wrong with that... it's his money. cut the dude some slack. not everyone sees eye-to-eye on everything.


                    • #55
                      I say like I did before. I would have gotten it taken care of instead of stewing on a what should have been great guitar. No bashing or "hating". I doubt the hating thing from anyone. My thing is if I get this high dollar guitar, it's not right, I find someone who listens and it gets fixed correctly. Right away. It's not going to get fixed hibernating. I had a huge issue with a Jackson CS shop a couple years back.Like major boning. I called and immediatly talked to a parent company guy at Fender, he called me numerous times and went to great lengths to make it right. Now I'm not saying this is always what happens, but it did for me. As you read earlier, I recently saw a bunch of Fenders that were very dissapointing. I guess it happens. It's f'n wrong. We know that. I had a dogshit Gibson Explorer that everyone said was ok. I sold it (1976 build! gone in 1979) With this whole thing, I just would have resolved it, most companies do. Fender can't afford to loose anyone, even in their buy out companies. I just personally don't denounce anyone until I have gone through the correct process.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by axmann View Post
                        I Fender can't afford to loose anyone,
                        can't afford to unleash anyone?
                        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                        • #57
                          Can't afford to loose any customers is what I meant.


                          • #58
                            {Can't afford to loose any customers is what I meant} I think here's giving you shit for using loose and not lose.


                            • #59
                              Damn.................that f'n spelling thing, and it didn't make sense either.


                              • #60

                                Its all fun and game's till some one loosens a eye?
                                Action Jackson

