Firstly: Sorry about crappy pictures. I'll try and take better ones soon if anyone is interested. Sorry about the lack of posterior pictures, I can take those too (but not of the RR1, since it's not mine anymore
I've been lurking on this forum for a few months, and I only recently signed up. I had an itch, and the only way to scratch it was to own a USA Jackson equipped with a OFR. I decided on an RR1 in acapulco gold back in December of 2011, but I ended up not liking the neck or the shape as much as I thought I was going to. So I ended up trading it straight up for an SL2H MAH in February.

I prefer the SL2H in pretty much every way. The finish (quilted maple and trans red, not to mention the headstock matches which is a big deal to me), the shape, the neck.

The other guitar is an ESP Horizon NT-II if anyone is wondering. It's really hard for me to decide which guitar I like more, because they both kick a lot of ass.
I guess since I'm too lazy to make another thread, I will post this 1986 Charvel model 4 here too. Yeah, this is the wrong place to post it, but the Jackson USA board is way cooler than the Charvel Import board, at least imo.:dunno:

Yes, it's really beat up. It has dings everywhere, the switches are all taken out, tons of buckle rash, missing a fine tuner on the bridge, but it plays as well as the flashier guitars I've posted here. It's the only one that leaves the house because if it gets dinged chipped or anything, it doesn't matter
. Alright, that is my introduction.

I've been lurking on this forum for a few months, and I only recently signed up. I had an itch, and the only way to scratch it was to own a USA Jackson equipped with a OFR. I decided on an RR1 in acapulco gold back in December of 2011, but I ended up not liking the neck or the shape as much as I thought I was going to. So I ended up trading it straight up for an SL2H MAH in February.

I prefer the SL2H in pretty much every way. The finish (quilted maple and trans red, not to mention the headstock matches which is a big deal to me), the shape, the neck.

The other guitar is an ESP Horizon NT-II if anyone is wondering. It's really hard for me to decide which guitar I like more, because they both kick a lot of ass.
I guess since I'm too lazy to make another thread, I will post this 1986 Charvel model 4 here too. Yeah, this is the wrong place to post it, but the Jackson USA board is way cooler than the Charvel Import board, at least imo.:dunno:

Yes, it's really beat up. It has dings everywhere, the switches are all taken out, tons of buckle rash, missing a fine tuner on the bridge, but it plays as well as the flashier guitars I've posted here. It's the only one that leaves the house because if it gets dinged chipped or anything, it doesn't matter
