I've been searching for a Jackson USA Soloist in Cabo finish for a good 2 years. It seems they only offered it in 2004-2005 or something like that. I'm assuming they discontinued it because it was basically the same as Trans Blue, but a few shades darker.
I search ebay just about every day in hopes that I find one, and I stumbled upon this. While not Cabo, it's almost as good. It's Chlorine! Which is only a Custom Shop or Phil Collen model color. This is from a limited run of 10 in 2003. When I get motivated, the EMG's and the gold hardware are getting switched out. It's not surprising, but the gold finish is tarnishing.

I search ebay just about every day in hopes that I find one, and I stumbled upon this. While not Cabo, it's almost as good. It's Chlorine! Which is only a Custom Shop or Phil Collen model color. This is from a limited run of 10 in 2003. When I get motivated, the EMG's and the gold hardware are getting switched out. It's not surprising, but the gold finish is tarnishing.
