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NGD - I almost love the PC1..

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  • NGD - I almost love the PC1..

    ...but I don't like the neck, and don't like the sustainer. So, after much discussion with Brian McDonald and Tim at Musiczoo, I put together the specs for my ideal 'pseudo' PC1. I had to stick to the basic framework of the standard guitar (strathead, maple board, recessed floyd etc) but I could get creative within those limits. However, I wanted the reverse strathead and hum/single but those were OK’d because of the 25th ‘splatter’ limited PC1.

    I wanted the Adrian Smith neck profile which I think is awesome - my hands are just too small for the standard PC1 neck. I also wanted a reverse headstock, a wide ‘tubular’ quilt, hum/single with no sustainer and the old school SD control route. I also wanted it to be a custom colour, but wasn’t totally sure what colour to go for. I went through a bunch of pics of Suhrs, Andersons etc but eventually settled on a similar shade of brown to a one-off guitar that Phil had which was used in the Jackson catalogues back in the day. Jackson sent me various pics of quilts for me to choose from, and this is what I went for (as stated, I really wanted that big wide quilt):

    I’ve always been fortunate in getting Jackson to send me progress pics, so I got a couple of Pablo working on the guitar, plus they sent me some of the stain process, to be sure the colour was correct. They actually sent me a physical sample of stained wood so I could see exactly how it looked.

    After 16 months or so, the guitar arrived at Music Zoo 10 days or so ago, and I’ve used their pics because they’re just waaay better than any pics I can take:

    One bit of fortunate timing was that Phil Collen was going to The Music Zoo to do a signing session, and so my guitar was ‘rushed’ through the inventory process so it would be there in time for Phil to check it out. I’d asked them to see if Phil would sign the back of the headstock, which he did, and as a bonus they took a video of him playing the guitar. Which is a pretty cool ‘extra’ to have with it...

    Phil Collen plays my custom order Jackson PC1 at The Music Zoo in NY

    Last edited by neilli; 08-02-2012, 11:11 PM.
    Popular is not the same as good
    Rare is not the same as valuable
    Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get

  • #2
    Killer guitar it!


    • #3
      That is gorgeus. Just amazing.

      Everything you changed (H/S, thinner neck, no sustainer, rev head) are changes I would make to a PC1. No offense to Phil, but I like your specs better!

      What pickups are in it?


      • #4
        Still picking my jaw up off of the floor...
        One word... sexy!


        • #5
          thats a quilt.....


          • #6
            Ya know brown and naturals usually dont work for me but damn that is perfect! and the neck specs are butter.

            Enjoy that beast!
            Haters gonna hate
            Dilluting the brand one MUTT at a time.


            • #7
              This thread renders me speechless.


              • #8


                • #9
                  Wow, that is beautiful! That brown just looks amazing. So awesome. I would love to play that bad boy.
                  Breaking Point, my all instrumental CD available here:




                  • #10
                    still trying to pick my jaw off the floor...what a beaut!

                    The video with Phil is really cool as pissed would you have been if he had decided to be a dick and sign the fret board?


                    • #11
                      OMG you dick. That's so not a PC model. I'm very envious and pissed off. haha.

                      If I could order one like that in black, without a PC sig splashed on the front of the headstock, I'd get one.

                      I'm willing to bet they gave you a little leway for how many guitars you've ordered...
                      The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                      • #12
                        Fuck me sideways that's stunning!
                        It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

                        Originally posted by RD
               now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...


                        • #13
                          Sick! That's one of the nicest Jackson - or any guitars i've ever seen, Love it!
                          Damn, that coulda been a good one for a forum run right there.


                          • #14
                            That's a great looking guitar! Congratulations

                            I'm a bit jealous, because a few years ago I wanted to order a guitar like this: A PC-1 without sustainer but 2-humbucker configuration and got the reply that Jackson won't do it. Seems that times have changed


                            • #15
                              Absolutely sick!

                              I love it. Well played Sir!

