Hey gang, I scored a new axe two weeks ago that I am pretty stoked about. I was checking the Charlotte Craigslist like I sometimes do, and I noticed a Jackson King V that was just listed and looked interesting. Most of the Jackson/Charvels that come up for grabs in this area are JS series guitars, DK2M's, and Pro Mods. This one looked like it might be a step up from those. Don't get me wrong, some of those JS series guitars are NICE players, but they are lower cost models which are Made in India. I have had my heart set on finding a full-blown KV1 or KV2 or maybe a King V Pro for some time. Now, I've never even seen a KV1 or a KV2 in person and am much more familiar with the JS series (which they have at Sam Ash). The seller claimed this was a USA Custom Shop King V, but I was immediately suspicious. Anybody with so much as a "Fort Worth" neckplate seems to think they've got a "USA Custom Shop" anymore, you know? The pics weren't very good, and I couldn't make out the headstock. I knew I was looking at a fixed TOM bridge/6-in-line headstock setup, which doesn't quite match the KV2 or KV2T. That spec does match the JS30KV, however. We both go to the same luthier, so he agreed to meet there after I beat him down from the moon on price. Had it turned out to be a JS series but a decent player, I probably would have bought it anyways (after beating him down on price quite a bit more). I'd be a buyer at around $150 for a clean one. Anyway, I had done some research here on the JCF, but couldn't determine what the model number was. The seller showed up, and the guitar looked to be in nice condition. The case was a bit larger than I expected and the guitar was on the heavy side. The headstock decals looked correct for a USA Jackson, but those are so easy to fake! The body looked good, but had an extra point on it (if that makes any sense). I asked him what the model number was, and he seemed puzzled by the question. The inlays are hard to describe, but look totally wrong for a Jackson. It does not have chrome hardware like you'd expect on a JS series (the knobs, covers, tuners, and bridges are gold). Was that an upgrade by a previous owner? I know there are some KV1's like that. There was a graphic on the body with flames and stuff that looked pretty good. What did it all mean? Perhaps this was a rare Japan-only model? Our luthier indicated that there would be some fretwork needed. I asked the seller to knock $100 off to account for that, but he wouldn't budge. I was skittish and walked away that day. I did some more research, but remained puzzled about the odd features on the guitar. Maybe it was a Custom Shop Jackson after all? A few days later, the seller emailed me and agreed to the lowered price (still a tidy sum). The hell with it, we met again and we did the deal. The guitar has been in the shop for a week, and I just got it back and snapped a few case pics. So....
...without further ado...
...drum roll...
...oh wait, there is one other bizarre feature on the guitar that I forgot to mention...it has an extra neck...
...introducing my Jackson Custom Shop Fire Dragon Doubleneck King V!

...without further ado...
...drum roll...
...oh wait, there is one other bizarre feature on the guitar that I forgot to mention...it has an extra neck...
...introducing my Jackson Custom Shop Fire Dragon Doubleneck King V!
