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NGD: Jackson PC-1 Phil Collen signature '98

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  • #16
    I've been thinking about maybe giving one of these a try as i really want a 24 fret maple board shred machine, but I'm not sure i would get along with th esupposedly huge necks on these.
    I'm watching a couple of ebay right now and may pull the trigger on one but the neck size has me a bit hesitant.
    beautiful guitars in this thread I love the Mocha bursts, very classy looking.
    If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


    • #17
      I almost bought a Redrum 2010ish one a year ago but balked because I was playing sets in different tunings and didn't want to adjust to the different necks mid set. They are big but I still found it really comfortable. Now I'm not doing any downtuned stuff and wish I went ahead with it. I'm still very happy with the Taylor I bought with the money instead, but I do kind of hanker for a PC-1 still.

      The sustainer is a fun toy. I'd love to try and pull off doing some leslie/hammond type sounds with a POG and the sustainer. For something like doing the keyboard lines in Highway Star. I think it might not work out, but would be fun to try hehe.
      GTWGITS! - RacerX


      • #18
        Originally posted by kmanick View Post
        I've been thinking about maybe giving one of these a try as i really want a 24 fret maple board shred machine, but I'm not sure i would get along with th esupposedly huge necks on these.
        I'm watching a couple of ebay right now and may pull the trigger on one but the neck size has me a bit hesitant.
        If at all possible I would suggest finding one and playing it before buying one. Some people love them, but I could not get used to the neck at all. Ended up selling it pretty much unplayed because I did not like the feel of it at all.

        Don't get me wrong, they are great guitars, but they have a specific feel to them. You may love it. I only mention this because I had the same reservations about the neck before I bought one. If I had been able to play one first, I wouldn't have bought one.


        • #19
          thanks Ward, I think I will, Matts Music ususally has a couple in stock I 'll have to swing down there and check one out.
          I did play one about 3 years aago but I forgot if i liked it or not. Maybe I can find one used on the GC site and if I don't like it I can
          return it
          If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


          • #20
            Nice, i like the simple controls. koa and mahogany can look very similar. Ive found most mahogany has a more consistent pattern of pores compared to koa which is irregular the pores follow the grain.


            • #21
              I saw some PC Jackson today in a pawn shop and I was thinking about buying it. Did they make import versions? The one I saw had a blue flame top, steel hardware, no sustainer, and the back looked like stained wood with a poly finish.

              EDIT: Nevermind, found out it's a PC3.
              Last edited by conker2021; 01-09-2013, 09:46 PM.


              • #22
                Those are great looking guitars....but no inlays!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by kmanick View Post
                  I've been thinking about maybe giving one of these a try as i really want a 24 fret maple board shred machine, but I'm not sure i would get along with th esupposedly huge necks on these.
                  I'm watching a couple of ebay right now and may pull the trigger on one but the neck size has me a bit hesitant.
                  beautiful guitars in this thread I love the Mocha bursts, very classy looking.
                  I really love playing this guitar but I'm not really picky when it comes to neck profiles, the two necks I couldn't get used to over the past 14 years are toothpick-like Ibanez Wizard necks and baseball battish Schecters. The PC1 doesn't have the usual thin Jackson neck profile, it's not THAT fat, but has a more rounded back side compared to ordinary Dinky necks, so it feels more Strat-like, but still plays really nice.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by denii View Post
                    The difference was enormous between the two pickups
                    I told you so ...
                    Originally posted by busdriver View Post
                    The difference between a Super 3 and a Rebel Yell is like day and night. Be prepared for a surprise...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by busdriver View Post
                      I told you so ...
                      Yep, you were absolutely right But unfortunately I didn't like that the guitar became so "dated" sounding with that pickup. (Ok, dated maybe sounds too harsh, I'd rather use the term "old school" instead.) It must have been because of the Alnico magnet in the Rebel Yell, but the super tightness of the sound was gone, with the Super 3 you can hear a "click" when picking a note, the Rebel Yell lacks that brutal fast attack, it really sounded more like a Les Paul, so I figured out that the Rebel Yell would fit more into my LP copy.

