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Question on Sustainer pickup

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  • Question on Sustainer pickup

    I did some digging on the 'net and couldn't find the answer to my question so here I am.

    Is the Sustainer pickup (ala' the PC1) a plain ol' single or a hum-cancelling single coil (e.g. stacked)?

  • #2
    Never mind. There's a ton of info on their site and after sorting through more of it, I found what I needed to know:

    SINGLE COIL SOUND: The sound is very similar to a Strat neck pickup, but with virtually no hum. The blend of the neck pickup with a typical single-coil middle pickup does not give as good a "quack" sound as a real single-coil combination, but the main "quack" sound is the bridge/middle combination anyway. Blues players tend to love the neck pickup sound.

