he hasn't completely blocked it anyway. If he plays with the spring cavity cover off the guitar, he can lock or unlock the tremol-no as needed.
No announcement yet.
Misha Mansoor's New Custom Shop Jackson 7
What a guitar!Love it!!
Jackson KV2 Blue Ghost Flames
Jackson DK1 Lightning Sky
I think he stated on ss.org that he wanted it to look like a Daemoness and something else. If that's the case, why not just get a Daemoness? While I think it's a cool looking guitar, there is nothing there that resembles what made Jackson famous. Idk, same thing with Broderick's "Soloist". Both are cool, but they are too far removed from a classic Jackson that I can't really get into them.
what is a "classic Jackson" though? This isn't a Concorde. It's not a Zoraxe either. Jackson was about innovation and making what their customers want, not just churning out lurid pink Soloists. Jeff Beck's orange Soloist wasn't classic Jackson, and Marty Friedman had the audacity to downsize the classic Kelly. Now people love the smaller Friedman-sized KE.
Every oddball "classic" shape was at one time a break from what had gone before. The Demon, the Kelly, the Rhoads, the KingV, the Stealth. All now distinctly Jackson. Depending on what time you learned of the brand, none of them "classic Jackson".Hail yesterday
Originally posted by VitaminG View Postwhat is a "classic Jackson" though? This isn't a Concorde. It's not a Zoraxe either. Jackson was about innovation and making what their customers want, not just churning out lurid pink Soloists. Jeff Beck's orange Soloist wasn't classic Jackson, and Marty Friedman had the audacity to downsize the classic Kelly. Now people love the smaller Friedman-sized KE.
Every oddball "classic" shape was at one time a break from what had gone before. The Demon, the Kelly, the Rhoads, the KingV, the Stealth. All now distinctly Jackson. Depending on what time you learned of the brand, none of them "classic Jackson".This is what I think of Gibson since 1993.I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED!
I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.