As a 14 year old boy, my life changed the day I watched a Def Leppard dvd, seeing Steve "Steaming" Clark run around with a Gibson Les Paul low to his knees, hearing his melodic techniques... This is the day I decided to start playing guitar. The more I started getting into Def Leppard, I noticed the other guitar player "Phil Collen" playing a really nice Jackson guitar which was the "Jackson Pc-1", as a 15 year old playing a shitty squire stratocaster that would not stay in tune and the nut on the 1st and 2nd string had caved in, I said to myself "I will one day have one of these". 8 years later, October 2012, I walked into my local music store buying strings for my acoustic, I saw a pc-1 hanging up behind the counter. Without thinking, I put it on layby. I had it on layby for a while due to bills & car troubles. Today, I finally paid it off and got it out of layby! I finally have the guitar I've always wanted! I have played it non stop all afternoon, its great to finally be able to use a tremolo again and the sustainer is a nice little tool.
The photos were taken with my iPhone 5 so excuse the crap quality. I will take some better ones with a better camera soon.

The photos were taken with my iPhone 5 so excuse the crap quality. I will take some better ones with a better camera soon.
