Originally posted by Tho
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Custom shop flawed guitar, looking for help!!!
Ok, first of all I would like to thanks everybody of you for your answers and comments.
I don't know why it went this way, why the dealer is apparently unable to see the flaws,
why this could pass through the final quality control inspection and so on...
I appreciate and contact with a private message if possible everybody who can have a
c hance to make me in contact with somebody who can at least have a listen to my complains.
I couldn't believe I had to wait 3 weeks before getting a 'robot-like' answer from the
jackson/fender customer support they could do nothing (I was especting at least they would.
give a call to the dealer, but I was wrong)... pretty disappointing!
Forgive me, but at least for now I am not goint to tell the delaler's name, first I don't know if this
is allowed from the forum rules, then I feel this action would just make the situation going from
bad to worst.Last edited by Mike73; 10-11-2013, 10:22 AM.
[QUOTE=Mike73;1583305]Ok, first of all I would like to thanks everybody of you for your answers and comments.
I don't know why it went this way, why the dealer is apparently unable to see the flaws,
why this could pass through the final quality control inspection and so on...
I appreciate and contact with a private message if possible everybody who can have a
c hance to make me in contact with somebody who can at least have a listen to my complains.
I couldn't believe I had to wait 3 weeks before getting a 'robot-like' answer from the
jackson/fender customer support they could do nothing (I was especting at least they would.
give a call to the dealer, but I was wrong)... pretty disappointing!
Forgive me, but at least for now I am not goint to tell the delaler's name, first I don't know if this
is allowed from the forum rules, then I feel this action would just make the situation going from
bad to worst.[/QUOT You are allowed to mention the dealers name and you also HAVE AN OBLIGATION to do so! The reason Jackson is not supporting you is because your dealer is a douchebag!!!! How can things get worse??? You're sitting on a $4000.00 dollar guitar that's not playable and refusing to let all of us know who is putting the screws to you. You have to mention the dealers name on here if for no other reason than to stop someone else from making the mistake of buying from this scum bag!This is what I think of Gibson since 1993.I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED!
I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.
Originally posted by Tho View PostHoly shit, that looks like a Picasso.
So everyone is kinda blaming the dealer (who is doing is crappy job for sure) but am I the only one who thinks it frightening that the prestigious Jackson Custom Shop delivers a guitar like this? I mean, I'm a few days away from ordering my own Jackson CS, but this really scares the shit out of me. What the hell?This is what I think of Gibson since 1993.I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED!
I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.
Originally posted by Hellbat View PostIf the dealer is trying to get you to cancel your order it means a) he wants to steal your deposit and/or b) someone saw it in his shop and offered to pay more.
Either way it's pretty shady.This is what I think of Gibson since 1993.I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED!
I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.
Originally posted by leftykingv2 View PostWe're blaming the dealer because he's not standing behind his customer who just spent a ton of money. For this guy to try and claim there's nothing wrong with this guitar makes me think he's retarded or he just doesn't care about about his customers at all. Either way the dealer should be all over this to save his good name if he ever had one.
And yes, please tell us who this dealer is.www.bodyfarmdeathmetal.com
Forgive me, I'm looking at the pics on my iPhone so not ideal.
Is there something off about that Floyd? Look at the logo- font looks wrong, kerning looks wrong. It's def not the normal Floyd font... What are those inserts in front of the saddle? I don't have any gold OFR but I've never noticed them on my other Floyds.
Did Jackson acknowledge the order existed? Not to be all conspiracy guy, but with the dealer acting like a a squirrel and all the obvious issues combined with an overseas client....Last edited by Vass; 10-11-2013, 01:44 PM.
He sent me a PM and it says he lives in Italy. Also His first couple posts made it sound like the dealer told him to go fuck himself and he wasn't going to help him at all. Now over the span of 24 hours the tune has changed and he's "trying to work it out with the dealer and the guitar is still at the shop." The pics of the guitar definitely showed things are off but how do we know the guitar just came from the Custom shop? How do we know he didn't try to modify the guitar himself? Where is the hang tag? He could mention who he bought said guitar from without fear of repercussion but refuses to do so. Why would this guitar not be shipped directly back to Jackson as soon as the dealer looked at it? The flaws are very easy to see. The fact that it's still sitting in the shop really makes no sense at all and is highly unlikely. How could a dealer who is doing this to a customer be a Jackson Custom Shop dealer. I have spoken to many dealers in the Pgh. Pa. area and I am friends with quite a few as well. They all say it's not easy to get to be a Jackson Custom Shop dealer. With the way this dealer is "Supposedly" treating his customers I find it very unbelievable that Jackson wouldn't have dropped him.This is what I think of Gibson since 1993.I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED!
I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.