I super lucked out today scoring a San Dimas Dinky for $100 off craigslist from a guy working at a recording studio. It's by far the best deal that I've ever gotten. I got it home, started to remove the stickers covering the front and to my surprise I saw a custom penciled graphic. The pickups are some type of EMG. Maybe a 81 and a S that doesn't sound too bad. I'm usually a passive guy. Maybe they'll stay possibility painted black. The original trem has been replaced by a BC Rich Floyd that looks like it may have been made by Gotoh japan. The saddles look exactly like an old Ibanez Edge's. The tuners were changed to gold Gotah's at one time. Why I have no idea.. It looks like someone drilled and installed a tone control. It needs a new locking nut and a gold knob for the tone control. I'll post a better picture when I get it cleaned up. I'm guessing this is from 86-87 but I'm not a expert. Maybe someone else has an idea. I got to order some parts.
