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    So, I am heavily considering 'renewing' my '84 RR adding in brass pup rings (the original plastic ones are failing), replacing the stock bridge with a Gotoh all shiny brass version, and quite possibly replacing the pickguard and tail piece from their present state of molten brass (not many were made this way, issues with delamination) to shiny brass...and while I'm at it possibly replacing the pots (250K?) with new 500K a note I already modded the pickguard by putting in a 3 way switch to allow the bridge pup to be series/split/parallel.

    My query is this: will this in any way be detrimental to the value of it? I guess that is not a great issue per se as this would probably be the last guitar to be sold in time of crisis...though honestly that status is under heavy competition from my '86 Taylor K20-CE with an inlay at the tip as opposed to their logo.

  • #2
    All reversible right? Have at it!


    • #3
      reversible is of course expect replacement pick guard and tail piece to have the exact same locations of screws is over the top (e.g. I would expect to have to fill the old holes and drill new ones but ONLY if said plugs were NOT seen)...pulling out the bushings of the original bridge and replacing with gold and matching posts appropriate for a shiny brass Gotoh bridge is not a biggie I all the old parts, neh? possible same issue with plugging and redrilling for pup rings.

      being real, this guitar is already not original...I ordered it during Christmas break of '83 and expected it to be made to the specs of the '83 price list...nope...Jackson changed the bridge from an SH-6 to whatever it is they, since I had already put in an SH-6 on my Les Paul things just didn't seem right...eventually I got curious and pulled the pup and found it wasn't as 'advertised'...the retailer kindly handed me a retail version of the Duncan Distortion in place of what I got...since I now had a 4 wire pickup in my hands I added in the 3 way DPDT switch and made that pup as previously described and already have an extra hole in the pick guard.

      shrugs shoulders...I guess in a nutshell I wonder what, if any, great effects there are on modifying a 'piece of history' (e.g. serial under RR1000) made in San Dimas.


      • #4
        Old SD RR customs are probably one of the more valuable of the "production" Jacksons, especially string thru customs. If it needs changes to make it more playable do it, I wouldn't mess w it too much tho.


        • #5
          I'd order new plates only based off templates. Make templates send them off to be made, etc...
          The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.

