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J7154 Naked body on ebay

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  • J7154 Naked body on ebay

    Who got that white custom shop soloist naked hulk on ebay ?
    Arrgh, I lost in the end !!i

  • #2

    String thru with Black binding and blank ebony is a nice spec.
    I wonder why he said it looked to be never assembled? It most definitely had tuners on at some point.
    Last edited by Catharpin; 12-30-2016, 09:13 AM.


    • #3
      Tuners for sure, hard to tell if anything else was.
      I wondered about the non assembly myself, I know fender lets seconds slide out the back door , but I don't see the Jackson Custom Shop doing that, but who knows.
      I tried to run the number mid week and as usual Jackson Customer service left me hanging. Ahh for the old days, info wasa fax from Karen, Sesame or Tim away...

      Pretty bummed I lost this one as I wanted to install a Roland GKKIT on it and it had everything going for it looks wise, plus it was a string through which for the most part eliminates much of the glitchy squeaks associated with a trem and a Synth.
      Oh well, there's always next time

