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NGD - Jackson KV1 (After 6 years of waiting, FINALLY!!)

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  • NGD - Jackson KV1 (After 6 years of waiting, FINALLY!!)

    Finally! After 6 years of waiting, searching, dreaming, the stars aligned right and I finally am a proud owner of a 1999 Jackson KV1 WITH the LSR Tuners! And, the real obsession and knowledge and even the deal finally landing, is thanks to this place! So, here are some pics.

    It all started with this thread, 6 years ago, dreaming to get a perfect King V. I learnt so much there. And I was so stupid as well Thanks to everyone Maybe some of you remember it? But thanks for guiding through Plans changed, plans with funds changed, and I had to settle with a King V Pro, which is a great guitar, but this, is a total different beast! And, my hunt for a KV1 kept going, until, this happened (glad it did). It drove me crazy, angry, and I got obsessed and looked on the forums, eBay, and reverb day and night. And finally, I have one! Now, about the guitar.

    The LSR tuners look super rad. Though, they are quite tight, and kinda hard to turn. Especially the bottom strings. The Kahler bridge feels good. I might change the string spacing though to resemble a Floyd, the previous owner (who is around on the forum too, I think, don't remember his username though) had it set up like a TOM. Feels kinda off arpeggiating. The bridge pickups sounds awesome. Total Megadeth tone, and sustains for ages. This guitar has the most sustain out of all I've owned (but they're both Floyd Rose equipped). The body size seems a little smaller than my King V Pro. Will compare when I go back to Russia. Apparently, they're all supposed to have speed necks, the neck shapes are radically different. The KV Pro is rounder, and the KV1 is a lot flatter and slimmer! The frets are not Jumbo, kinda thin, and I am loving this new feeling. I now know what do I want when I get my KV Pro refretted. And, last but not the least, THE STRAPLOCKS. An often overlooked feature, but these straplocks are the best thing ever. Part of the body, so sleek looking. Love them.

    Now, the sad part, case got damaged, I'll post pictures of that in a later post. It was mint and now it's broken Which sucks. Maybe someone could give me tips on how to make it like new again?

    The other thing I wasn't very impressed by was the neck pickup (but this is after two hours of fiddling around with it), which I might replace with a Seymour Duncan Jazz or Alnico II Pro. Or may keep it stock. We'll see. And when I am on that, might just change it to a 5 way rather than a 3 way. I love single coil tones. Other than that, this thing slays. And, it's my first USA made guitar as well.

    PS - I had to wait two weeks for the guitar (maybe there's where the case got damaged) because they wanted a $450 import duty on the guitar. Thankfully, India is a corrupt country, my parents have some good connections, and we didn't have to pay a penny.

  • #2
    Grats man! That sure is an accomplishment.

    As for the case, once they're broken, they're difficult to fix. I consider them disposable. It took the damage so the guitar wouldn't, same concept as a helmet really. Sorry to hear about that but glad your guitar made it fine, that's the most important part.
    The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


    • #3
      Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
      Grats man! That sure is an accomplishment.

      As for the case, once they're broken, they're difficult to fix. I consider them disposable. It took the damage so the guitar wouldn't, same concept as a helmet really. Sorry to hear about that but glad your guitar made it fine, that's the most important part.
      It's not as badly broken, but damn, it's a bummer, Gotta look into buying a new one, are the SKB one's that have the King V shape better? Or would a Custom moulded case be better?


      • #4
        Congratulations Yash! Your passion for the KV shape, especially the KV1, was very evident in your posts. I feel like it was inevitable that you would finally own one and now you do! Looks great.

        I'll wait for the photos of the case, but for now I can attest that SKB has incredible customer support. Last year, the handle broke off my SKB case for my 1998 Shannon Soloist and SKB came to the rescue, which I documented here: I hope the damage to your case is just as minor, and I want to assume it is because it looks like your guitar arrived perfectly intact. In any case, it may be worth contacting SKB ( to see what they propose. They are an American company, I live in Canada, and the service and replacement handle was all free of charge! I can't thank them enough.


        • #5
          Awesome axe, Yash! Congrats dude! Looks sick!

          I know how you feel/felt about the King V, except the one I've always wanted was the black ghost flames KV2. Just bought myself one yesterday!


          • #6
            Cool model. Sucks about the case, but a new one will be nice.
            96xxxxx, 97xxxxx and 98xxxxx serials oftentimes don't indicate '96, '97 and '98.


            • #7
              Congrats! Very cool Jackson.


              • #8
                Thanks for the kind words guys! I am totally enjoying the guitar. The King V is my favourite shape. I love the Rhoads too, but King V just feels better with my body? Balances better and is more comfortable while sitting. I also wanna get a Double Rhoads someday. Already started saving up for the next guitars. A Cherry Sunburst King V Pro, ESP Axxion, All Maple Double Rhoads, A 24 fret single cut.

                The KV1 has always been my dream guitar since I watched that Megadeth Live in London '92 concert. I've been playing it almost the whole time since I got it. Didn't play guitar for the last 2 weeks. However, I really feel that the pickup set isn't versatile at all and extremely limiting for me. I can get almost the same tone as the neck pickup by just rolling back the tone knob on the bridge pickup, and the cleans don't sound as good (up until now) as the EMGs on my E-II Arrow 7 and King V Pro. However, this guitar is the best sounding guitar DI-ed into my audio interface. So pristine and clean and just godly tone. Maybe just need to rework my clean sounds So, suggest me some good neck pickups. I was thinking of going Jazz, or Alnico II Pro. I also like single coil tones, so, need something that will split well. I'll get the 3-way replaced with a 5-way blade.

                Originally posted by Number Of The Priest View Post
                Congratulations Yash! Your passion for the KV shape, especially the KV1, was very evident in your posts. I feel like it was inevitable that you would finally own one and now you do! Looks great.

                I'll wait for the photos of the case, but for now I can attest that SKB has incredible customer support. Last year, the handle broke off my SKB case for my 1998 Shannon Soloist and SKB came to the rescue, which I documented here: I hope the damage to your case is just as minor, and I want to assume it is because it looks like your guitar arrived perfectly intact. In any case, it may be worth contacting SKB ( to see what they propose. They are an American company, I live in Canada, and the service and replacement handle was all free of charge! I can't thank them enough.
                I'll contact SKB today! Thanks for the info. Here are the photos of the Damage Case (see what I did there?)

                My phone camera didn't quite capture the crack as well as it looks. But it goes almost all the way to the upper border of the case. Can this be fixed?

                Originally posted by synapsistheory View Post
                Awesome axe, Yash! Congrats dude! Looks sick!

                I know how you feel/felt about the King V, except the one I've always wanted was the black ghost flames KV2. Just bought myself one yesterday!
                Awesome!!! Pictures please!!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Yash View Post
                  Here are the photos of the Damage Case (see what I did there?)
                  Haha nice. I re-read my recommendation post and noticed I said "in any case" without originally realizing it.

                  I had similar damage to the case for my 1996 KE3 which I owned in the early 2000s. It was just the outer plastic shell that had the crack, with no damage to the foam. It's been over a decade since I sold that guitar and case, but what I remember doing was using black duct tape to patch the crack. I wish I knew about contacting SKB back then. Your situation is more heartbreaking than mine because your case was SUPPOSED to be perfect before it arrived and the damage should not have happened. Good luck and keep us posted with the solution.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Yash View Post
                    Awesome!!! Pictures please!!!
                    There's pictures from the seller in this thread:

                    ...but looks like you already found it! I'll post more when I get it tomorrow


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Number Of The Priest View Post
                      Haha nice. I re-read my recommendation post and noticed I said "in any case" without originally realizing it.

                      I had similar damage to the case for my 1996 KE3 which I owned in the early 2000s. It was just the outer plastic shell that had the crack, with no damage to the foam. It's been over a decade since I sold that guitar and case, but what I remember doing was using black duct tape to patch the crack. I wish I knew about contacting SKB back then. Your situation is more heartbreaking than mine because your case was SUPPOSED to be perfect before it arrived and the damage should not have happened. Good luck and keep us posted with the solution.
                      It was a Motorhead reference.

                      Update/EDIT - I don't think SKB are gonna help me. This is what their site reads

                      Lifetime Warranty

                      SKB-branded hardshell cases are fully warranted against defects in materials and craftsmanship for the life of the case to the original owner. That means if your case breaks, SKB will supply replacement parts, repair the case, or replace your case for as long as you own it. Proof of Purchase is required for all warranty claims. Electronic components in SKB brand hardshell pedalboard systems are warranted for five years from date of purchase. Soft cases and gig bags are warranted for one year from date of purchase. Foam is not covered by SKB’s warranty. SKB is not responsible for the shipping cost to our facility. However, SKB will cover all of the costs of repairs and/or replacements, as well as the return shipping. To request a return authorization for a warranty claim or field replaceable parts, please contact our customer service department through our online Support Request form.

                      SKB-branded hardshell cases are warranted for life to the original owner only. Cases used for rental purposes, used by institutions or schools, modified or used cases are not covered by this warranty.
                      Last edited by Yash; 07-18-2018, 05:29 PM.


                      • #12
                        Original owner warranty...same as with Jackson guitars. Ugg.
                        96xxxxx, 97xxxxx and 98xxxxx serials oftentimes don't indicate '96, '97 and '98.


                        • #13
                          I don't know how the market is in Russia, but you can probably find a used V case around that has'nt been beat up...or you can get one of the newer smaller V cases. If you lived closer I'd give you one of mine. I have an extra laying around. I always upgrade to the newer smaller cases.


                          • #14
                            Big problem. I can't restring the guitar.... Help, please? The previous owner did make a video BUT... The tuner won't get it up to bitch, runs out of the space...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Yash View Post
                              Big problem. I can't restring the guitar.... Help, please? The previous owner did make a video BUT... The tuner won't get it up to bitch, runs out of the space...
                              Did you get it figured out? I'm not sure how those tuners work.

