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Custom shop vs Custom select

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  • #31
    I ordered a Custom Select in Sep. 2017,was quoted 8-10 months and it was ready July 2018.So right at the outside of the quote.


    • #32
      Originally posted by PowerTube View Post
      Yep. The "Option 50" gives you a ton of further options.
      But don't Option 50 selections make the guitar non-returnable?


      • #33
        Originally posted by Aso View Post
        But don't Option 50 selections make the guitar non-returnable?
        Generally, yes. From what I understand, they're still returnable under warranty if there's actually a problem with the instrument, but you can't return them "just because" like the other orders.

        Either way, I think it's WAY cool that they'll do some really radical and unique stuff for a (usually) small additional charge.
        Member - National Sarcasm Society

        "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


        • #34
          Even the standard, non-Option 50 choices have a lot to offer.

          They sound great, too. Check out this quick shred:

          Member - National Sarcasm Society

          "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


          • #35
            Originally posted by Aso View Post
            But don't Option 50 selections make the guitar non-returnable?
            Kiesel doesn't accept hassle free returns anymore, except for warranty for probably close to a year now. They scrubbed their website of it too.
            The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


            • #36
              Originally posted by CaptNasty View Post
              Ordered a Custom Select Dinky in late Jan 2018. Was quoted 4 months. Recieved the guitar late May 2018.
              Originally posted by jamey View Post
              I ordered a Custom Select in Sep. 2017,was quoted 8-10 months and it was ready July 2018.So right at the outside of the quote.
              This is what I experienced. I ordered a CSS back in May 2017 and was quoted 6 months, Received it in end of October. I think it comes down to what USA batch's they have going at the time your order gets going. From my understanding, they will build a batch of say USA SL2's and if your SL2 CSS order is placed in time one of those batch's is started it will be part of that batch, otherwise your order will wait for the next batch. At least that's what I was told at one time. This may no longer be the case.


              • #37
                Originally posted by z1n View Post
                This is what I experienced. I ordered a CSS back in May 2017 and was quoted 6 months, Received it in end of October. I think it comes down to what USA batch's they have going at the time your order gets going. From my understanding, they will build a batch of say USA SL2's and if your SL2 CSS order is placed in time one of those batch's is started it will be part of that batch, otherwise your order will wait for the next batch. At least that's what I was told at one time. This may no longer be the case.
                I'm thinking of doing a custom select order, and it's a pretty basic order: standard everything except different control layout, and reverse pointy headstock. Would the reverse headstock make the order take the full 12 months, or is this viewed as an order that could be shorter (generally, speaking)


                • #38
                  Reverse inline should not add much/any time.


                  • #39
                    Depends on how they batch them. A reverse headstock order is essentially a left-handed neck flipped upside down for a righty guitar. So this might need to be a one-off or batched with similar (left-handed or other reverse) neck blanks. Unclear how that would play out, time-wise.


                    • #40
                      Mine was delivered in just over 10 months on an 8-10 month quote.It had a reverse inline and trans black finish.I was told the reason for the 8-10 month quote versus 4-5 was due to the trans black finish.


                      • #41
                        A custom select is not a custom shop. It's a configurable production guitar vs. a hand built one off. Doesn't make it bad, just know the difference.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by PowerTube View Post
                          Yep. Another thing is that I can be a bit fickle in what I want, like most guitarists. By the time a CS guitar finally gets to me, I may not be lusting after it like I was when I first ordered it.

                          I drove this point into the ground a few years ago and I hate to bring it up again, but one thing that always chapped me was that I wanted one thing: basically a stock SL2H with a maple fretboard on a Limited Run. You know what I was told? That it's a "woodworking change" and I would have to go full Custom Shop. Really???? They need a different saw to cut maple as opposed to cutting ebony? Maybe there's something I don't understand, but I thought that was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I wasn't asking for a different body shape or a different neck thickness. No, I just wanted them to cut and install a piece of maple instead of ebony.

                          That's what pushed me toward Carvin/Kiesel. I could get Birdseye Maple, Flamed Maple, "regular" Maple, Ebony, Rosewood, etc....

                          My third and final build with them is very Jackson-esque. My camera sucks and doesn't begin to do this thing justice.

                          PowerTube, I love the bomber graphic propane tank !


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by wendell7 View Post
                            PowerTube, I love the bomber graphic propane tank !
                            Thanks. It's only painted on the side you see there because when I painted it, there was a solid wall of brush behind it and no one could even walk back there or see that side. One of my upcoming projects is to re-paint it and also do the other side this time.
                            Member - National Sarcasm Society

                            "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."

