(Bonus J/C family couch pic)
I purchased this guitar through the forum here technically. It arrived safe and sound yesterday and I have been tinkering with the setup and tuning and feel like it is ready to go. Amazing guitar in amazing condition. The only real blemish is the back of the head stock tip which is so common. I really enjoy the neck profile. It is very reminiscent of my 86 model 6 but wider. The guitar is surprisingly heavy though. Overall worth every penny at 850 shipped with the original grey chainsaw case.
Any way to determine the exact year? Serial # is U02669
I purchased this guitar through the forum here technically. It arrived safe and sound yesterday and I have been tinkering with the setup and tuning and feel like it is ready to go. Amazing guitar in amazing condition. The only real blemish is the back of the head stock tip which is so common. I really enjoy the neck profile. It is very reminiscent of my 86 model 6 but wider. The guitar is surprisingly heavy though. Overall worth every penny at 850 shipped with the original grey chainsaw case.
Any way to determine the exact year? Serial # is U02669