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United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

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  • United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

    My wife, daughter, and I flew home to Montana this week to see my family, fly fish, golf, and have fun in the mountains. As I always do, I brought along a guitar so that I can keep my chops tight and learn a few songs for a show I have to play as soon as I get back to St Louis. To be on the safe side, I decided to bring one of my Ontario Soloists that would be considered a "player" compared to the rest of my Soloists. I stuck it in a chainsaw case, locked it, and stuck fragile stickers all over it. When we arrived in Bozeman, I immediately opened the case and found the neck snapped at the nut. I took pics and took it up to the counter to show the airheads working there. I should add that when we were leaving STL, I literally watched as the United goons threw, yes, threw it on the conveyor belt. It landed right on the headstock end of the case. Laurie, my beautiful wife said, "Do you want to go check it before we leave?" I said no and figured it'd be ok. Well, I was wrong. I have to turn in the paperwork they gave me when we get back to STL. The manager here said that the United office in STL would decide whether they would pay the claim.
    These fucks completely ignored the fragile stickers. Someone will be paying this claim, and it won't be me. So for those who keep track of serial numbers, J3172 can officially be listed as dead....

  • #2
    Re: United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

    Dude, that sucks! Hope they accept your claim.



    • #3
      Re: United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

      Sucks.It is like watching Toy Story 2 movie.
      People at airport throwing things like they are garbage or something.


      • #4
        Re: United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

        Sorry to hear about what happened. I never been a fan of luggage handlers.


        • #5
          Re: United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

          Damned apes!


          • #6
            Re: United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

            That blows large moose. I was traveling once, and had to pay an additional $10 for a special handling fee to take my slalom water ski with me. I too literally watched through the window as we boarded and saw the "special handling" my money paid for. A nice 25-30 foot toss into the cargo hold. The ski made it in one piece though. Give 'em hell Tom!


            • #7
              Re: United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

              Get your stinking hands off my axe you damned dirty apes !

              Soilent Green is made of PEOPLE !!



              • #8
                Re: United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

                Tom, did they indicate how much they're going to pay (if they pay at all)? I thought claims for loss/damage on airlines were limited to something like $0.50/pound. Check you ticket, the liability limitation is in the fine print.
                Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


                • #9
                  Re: United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

                  yeah, it's like $400 per case or something....

                  I would insist to carry it on with me.
                  The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                  • #10
                    Re: United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

                    many airlines will not replace or give cash for broken guitars unless they are in some mystery magic airline approved case. I challenge anyone to produce the list. good luck


                    • #11
                      Re: United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

                      Man that's horrible...I'm sorry to here that man! What a way to begin what's supposed to be a relaxing trip. Keep your head up and fight for it man! They fukked you...they should pay!

                      - Joel
                      RIP Donny Swanstrom...JCF bro
                      RIP Dime


                      • #12
                        Re: United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

                        As I have been told before, "FRAGILE" actually means "Take your best shot" to those goons. Too bad dude, sorry to hear it.

                        Bright side= At least it was a player, and not a brand new one.


                        • #13
                          Re: United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

                          That really sucks. I am so reluctant to check any guitar I carry with me. The only time I checked a guitar I had the neck off the body wrapped in bubble wrap inside my hard sided suitcase.

                          I always try and fly Southwest (I travel quite a bit for business) and they have always let me carry guitars on with no problem.


                          • #14
                            Re: United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

                            Man that sucks...I've always wondered about what kind of liability an airline would have when this happens...sounds like it may not be too much. I hope it all goes well for you dude.



                            • #15
                              Re: United Airlines SUCKS! J3172 is DOA!

                              Man that sucks!!!
                              After 2-3 months I just got my check from the U.S.P.S.
                              for the nice job they did on my jackson neck
                              After telling them that I would take them to court they
                              decided to pay
                              Good luck-Sorry for the loss

