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Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

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  • #16
    Re: Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

    Pawn shops and used gear stores are good places to find J/Cs.I set up as a dealer at guitar shows too there are always interesting deals and trades to be had.The show in Cincinatti Ohio last sunday was pretty good.Only 1 jackson and it was an import a 92 dinky XL flame top amber cherry burst w/ohsc for 250.00 it went home with me by the way.I thought I'd see Huntin Doug there but failed to meet him.
    I did sell my Roscoe Dr.Death guitar to the buyer for G.C.
    So do guitar shows and check pawn shops on a weekly basis and you will find some good deals and by all means haggle the price down if you can.
    Really? well screw Mark Twain.


    • #17
      Re: Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

      [ QUOTE ]
      Pawn shops and used gear stores are good places to find J/Cs.I set up as a dealer at guitar shows too there are always interesting deals and trades to be had.The show in Cincinatti Ohio last sunday was pretty good.Only 1 jackson and it was an import a 92 dinky XL flame top amber cherry burst w/ohsc for 250.00 it went home with me by the way.I thought I'd see Huntin Doug there but failed to meet him.
      I did sell my Roscoe Dr.Death guitar to the buyer for G.C.
      So do guitar shows and check pawn shops on a weekly basis and you will find some good deals and by all means haggle the price down if you can.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      <font color="yellow"> I knew if I really tried hard enough I would yet again miss this show.....

      My wife only reminded me about 5 or 10 times so it obviously can't be my fault [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] </font>


      • #18
        Re: Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

        Here is a quick story. In my old neighborhood my son used to play with this kid up the street named Paul. My band used to practice in the basement so the neighborhood was well aware that I was a musician. One day Paul told me that his uncle had a custom guitar named after him and that he gave it to Paul (he was 10).Paul wanted to buy an RC car so his uncle said he could sell it. I asked him if he could show it to me and 5 minutes later this 10 year old shows up with a Gibson Les Paul on his shoulder. I bought it for $150.00


        • #19
          Re: Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

          I travel for work and try to hit every pawn shop and local guitar shop I can. All of my gear except for a few pieces came from pawn shops.

          Some of you may remember "The Slut", a San Dimas Jackson strat I just restored. I found that in a Pawn shop in Phoenix for $75.


          • #20
            Re: Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

            Hey John, you ever go to Carlson's in Bridgeport? I used to live in that place. It's kind of like a used gear/pawn shop. The disadvatage was that you never found steals, but every now and then you'd find a rare item.I bought a SD soloist from him way back. I think I paid like 700 in 90 or 91. It had three singles. What did I do to it? routed it for a hum in the bridge. Stupid kid. [img]/images/graemlins/sick.gif[/img]

            "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill


            • #21
              Re: Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

              Cities with large military bases will have an abundance of Pawn Shops, usually near the main gate. I've been a Govt' Contractor for 4 years and have been to more bases than I can remember. They are also near "adult" entertainment for those so inclined.
              Unfortunately, I have yet to "score". (at the Pawn Shop [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img])


              • #22
                Re: Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

                but what about at the adult entertainment places? lol
                thats where it really counts [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                • #23
                  Re: Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

                  The pawnshop I go to locally has quite a few guitars but rarely anything too special. I did get a mint 2002 American Deluxe Strat for somewhat of a deal, but it wasn't a steal. From talking to the woman there I think she does her pricing based on country of manufacture, so I bet a Ft Worth
                  Jackson would sell for big bucks there [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                  Last couple of trips up there there were a couple of severely beat Jacksons I was looking at. The lady volunteered that I wasn't the only one that came in there paying special attention to the Jacksons, so it looks like I have some competition.

                  Hmmm...maybe I'll stop in there today.


                  • #24
                    Re: Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

                    Just keep your eyes open everywhere you go. Ever hear about gtrbyr's 'haircut special'? Blood Splatter has some neat stories as well. My best Jackson score was a 1985 Concert Bass with Piezo for $50 or $75 (I bought a bunch of stuff and I can't remember if I got a discount on it). It was out of a music store though.


                    • #25
                      Re: Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

                      I have 6 guitars. 2 were bought new, 2 were bought from friends and 2 bought in pawn shops. You do have to look and shop often and you can find some deals. Some times they don't know what they have and others use e-bay to set there price. I used to go to one pawn shop often and he had some nice stuff but was way over priced and he never had a price tag on any item he priced all his gear from checking e-bay and most of the things he sold he sold on e-bay. I found some of his items listed and he would not deal.


                      • #26
                        Re: Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

                        I got my first Model 6 for $125 at Angelo's Pawn Shop in Santa Monica. It wasn't even on the wall, but leaning against the wall behind the counter. I was lucky I saw it. That was in like 1998 (I think) at the low point for pointy-headed guitars.
                        Ron is the MAN!!!!


                        • #27
                          Re: Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

                          There are around six or seven pawn shops in this little town alone. The greater ATL area has hundreds. I've scored in a bit over the last year or so, since moving down here:

                          ADA MP-1 - $60
                          Jackson Custom Shop Soloist (original case and documentation) - $$250
                          BC Rich ASM - $350 no tax (not a spectacular deal, but good enough for a killer-playing axe)
                          Roscoe custom LG-3005 (original case) - $500
                          Charvel Model 2 - $115
                          Ibanez Proline PL-1770 (original case) - $200
                          Fender Am. Standard Strat (mint, ohsc, aged plastic parts, for a friend) - $350
                          Ampeg R12R (for the same friend) - $260


                          • #28
                            Re: Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

                            [ QUOTE ]
                            <font color="yellow">How the FUKK do you "forget" or "lose" a Les Paul Custom??</font>

                            [/ QUOTE ]That is exactly how I lost my old SG Standard. We were doing a show in Tucson, a small place in a mall. I only brought my Hamer Scepter and new SG off the bus, as there was about 3 square feet left on the stage after the drums were set. Anyhoo, bout two weeks, two states, and three towns later - I go to grab 'Baby' to do a little maintenence. Not in the back of the bus. Not in the front.


                            Finally, after interrogating each member of the band and crew, I ask our drummer "When was the last time you saw it?".

                            "When I brought it into that club down in Tucson. I put it behind the bar so no one would snag it."

                            followed by...
                            followed by...
                            [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]
                            followed by...

                            Ya think he could have FUGGING MENTIONED IT TO ME!!!

                            I called that bar every single day until our agency threatened to drop our band if I didn't cease and desist my harrassment of that club. It was gone.

                            THE MORAL: It was prolly the drummers fault.
                            750xl, 88LE, AT1, Roswell Pro, SG-X, 4 others...
                            Stilletto Duece 1/2 Stack, MkIII Mini-Stack, J-Station, 12 spaces of misc rack stuff, Sonar 4, Event 20/20, misc outboard stuff...

                            Why do I still want MORE?


                            • #29
                              Re: Pawn shop? Guitar shop?

                              I got my RR Professional from a pawn shop for 250 [img]/images/graemlins/band.gif[/img] Which I have not played very much..

                              I have a 8 inch Crate GX15 Flexwave amp with, Gain/Level for overdrive. Level/Clean, And Low/Mid/High for Eq...

                              I need help bad

