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NGD: Jackson SL2H Snakeskin

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  • NGD: Jackson SL2H Snakeskin

    After years of missing opportunities of buying a Snakeskin, here is mine ! Now I want more, this finish is just SO cool. This one looks much brighter than older 90's snakeskins I've seen so far, which are more on the dark and almost greenish side.

  • #2




    • #3

      The only thing I never liked about them, they don't look like snake skin. Mine was supposed to be copperhead and I had copperheads at the time. Didn't look like my copperheads


      I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


      • #4
        Is yours supposed to be a copperhead ?? It looks brownish-grey like mine. Sweet guitar btw !


        • #5
          Originally posted by Lemonheadfr View Post
          Is yours supposed to be a copperhead ?? It looks brownish-grey like mine. Sweet guitar btw !
          Copperheads are brown-ish, the head is more of a red-ish but they really don't look much like any snakeskin.

          Cellphone pic

          I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


          • #6
            From what I know, copper snakeskins form Jackson look like this:

            yours is definitely a grey one


            • #7
              Originally posted by Lemonheadfr View Post
              From what I know, copper snakeskins form Jackson look like this:

              yours is definitely a grey one
              He does custom work to guitars. I don't think I've ever seen that color listed before, but I haven't seen everything. Mine was sold as a copperhead finish.
              and my BC Rich doesn't quite look like a snake either

              I'll post some pic's of real snakes in a bit, but yeah, we're rockin' for sure bro!!


              I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Lemonheadfr View Post
                From what I know, copper snakeskins form Jackson look like this:

                yours is definitely a grey one
                Yes, but in real life it doesn't look so bright "copperish". I have one. I've replaced the JB with a Custom, but I got a set of Warpigs to replace the pickups. Need to get that done.


                • #9
                  Congrats, I just got one two weeks ago. Amazingly a NOS example which had been sitting on a dealer's wall for 8 years. I guess he just didn't have the clientele. Trust me, it wasn't because of the price.

                  I've noticed a lot of different "styles" to the paint job over the years. Some are very unnatural, almost geometric. Some have too strong of a fishnet effect for me. Yours is interesting because the scales are more rounded and natural looking, not to mention that it seems to have some brownish tint.


                  • #10
                    The scales on yours have 4 sides, whereas scales on mine have 6, which explain why they are rounder. Another difference I've seen on mine but nowwhere else is the color of the spaces between the scales: On mine, it is white, instead of black/grey like most snakeskins. Your is killer, that's actually more what I wanted first, a SL1 with a more greyish color, but I'm still very happy with mine !


                    • #11
                      There should also be a yellow snakeskin.
                      Gray. Brown. Yellow. Seems to be the predominant 'realistic' colors.
                      Then there's the "let's make different colors using the same pattern" colors, like my old red BCR or black/white boots.


                      • #12
                        Badass. I used to have an XTRR (like a Dan Spitz model) in snakeskin. Geez, that was 20 years ago. There's a pretty sweet RR1T in Snakeskin on Reverb right now.
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