-Locking Tremolo (Floyd Rose not specified on the form, but I hope it's a good one and not some crapass JT580-7 or something)
[/ QUOTE ]
You can get whatever one you want Newc. You just have to let you dealer know. There are a lot of options that aren't even on that form.
Sounds kickass! I think the bolt on thing is a great idea. You very well might have a one off guitar. Welcome to the world of the waiting! Ahhh, you already know what thats all about. How about doing a mockup in the CSG?
-Locking Tremolo (Floyd Rose not specified on the form, but I hope it's a good one and not some crapass JT580-7 or something)
[/ QUOTE ]
You can get whatever one you want Newc. You just have to let you dealer know. There are a lot of options that aren't even on that form.
Sounds kickass! I think the bolt on thing is a great idea. You very well might have a one off guitar. Welcome to the world of the waiting! Ahhh, you already know what thats all about. How about doing a mockup in the CSG?