I posted this already in the ebay section, but thought it would fit this section better... I got it for $820, its an almost mint '98 Black Sl2h with 2 Dimarzio's, X2N and Tone Zone... Enjoy the pics!
[edit] Ok, i tried putting them on here, but they came up HUGE!! so here, just go to this link, and you will figure it out. My Sl2h, along with a bunch of kisekae guitars...
[ May 29, 2003, 10:18 PM: Message edited by: Larry ]
[edit] Ok, i tried putting them on here, but they came up HUGE!! so here, just go to this link, and you will figure it out. My Sl2h, along with a bunch of kisekae guitars...
[ May 29, 2003, 10:18 PM: Message edited by: Larry ]