The Coors Light guitar I bought from Tracy has arrived. He is a great guy. I look forward to meeting up sometime in the near future!
The guitar is amazing. I expected it to look great, but I expected it to play and sound average. I was dead wrong. Its still new, but so far I would say it plays easier than any of my San Dimas Soloists. The neck isn't quite as big, but it isn't thin either. I was surprised to discover the pickups were EMG's, which is a huge bonus as I don't have an EMG equipped guitar. To have it be an 85/81 configuration was perfect as that is what I would have wanted. The Floyd nut used with the Kahler is kind of cool. I don't know if it is more stable, but I prefer Floyd locknuts over the behind the nut style.
The only work I did to it was remove the overspray on the rear back down to the factory finish. This meant the autograph was toast, but I don't care about autographs anyway. Fortunately there was no shadow left of it in the finish, so it is nothing more than a memory.
I would buy from Tracy again in a heartbeat. He was very patient and accomodating.