hello all, new poster here. i dont own a jackson but i figured this would be the best place to ask this, as i visit here sometimes and everone seems real nice.
my current guitar is a 150$ Essex and while its ok for the price, its time to upgrade. i was looking at the ibanez rg1570.. http://www.ibanez.com/guitars/guitar...RG1570&color=1 then i saw an esp kh-602.. http://www.espguitars.com/html/hammett_kh602.html
but im not set on those two. i was looking at jacksons guitar and they all look nice. so i was hoping you guys could direct me on one to look at. there are a few things im looking for in a guitar: a whammy bar, 24 frets, all tuning pegs on 1 side, smooth body no face plate thing, and hopefully normal fret markers. thanks in advance.
my current guitar is a 150$ Essex and while its ok for the price, its time to upgrade. i was looking at the ibanez rg1570.. http://www.ibanez.com/guitars/guitar...RG1570&color=1 then i saw an esp kh-602.. http://www.espguitars.com/html/hammett_kh602.html
but im not set on those two. i was looking at jacksons guitar and they all look nice. so i was hoping you guys could direct me on one to look at. there are a few things im looking for in a guitar: a whammy bar, 24 frets, all tuning pegs on 1 side, smooth body no face plate thing, and hopefully normal fret markers. thanks in advance.