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Jackson Arash signature model

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  • #16
    Re: Jackson Arash signature model

    eh, give the guy a break.... congrats on your order arash; you're not from the los angeles area, are you? i kinda knew a guy named arash when i lived in hollywood.

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    • #17
      Re: Jackson Arash signature model

      Hey Sully!
      and thanx!

      No I am not from the Los Angeles area but I have been there!
      I was in LA back in the summer of 1998. It was really cool.
      I also have a Jackson KE2 Lightning Sky on the way that I am supposed to receive in about three weeks. I have been waiting for it since December 2002.



      • #18
        Re: Jackson Arash signature model

        Originally posted by Arash:
        Sorry, Steve but it is my signature model, Adrenalize graphics or not. The graphic might be a Def Leppard design but the guitar is my own and no one will own a similar guitar. So I will continue calling it my signature model. I can call my guitar whatever I damn want. And I am perfectly knowledgable about hardwoods, thank you very much. It was my clear intention to make the guitar as heavy as possible.
        I experienced the same thing on another message board. I called my guitar my signature model and some people got so pissed as If I had driven over their cat. Geezus, people these days.

        I am very sorry to disappoint you Steve but signature model it will be.
        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">look arash you don't get a sig model from making it , you get a sig model from years of playing and hard work , anything else is a custom and I am sure many here would agree . but more power to ya if that getts ya through the day ! but the wood ya picked is no good for a soloist man , Like most here who know what they are playing and have played for years and build [come on Sully you know better than to build a soloist with northern ash , I know you do I've seen your work] you should have come here and asked some dudes here who own lottsa custom shops and ask them what woods would have been good and what not , I could be wrong but it sounds to me like you got some rich parents or something 2 customs on the go ? welcome to the board man and you'll learn a lot here but don't come in here and bullsh-it we know more than that hear and "Many" of us can see through it , if I am wrong sorry and I'am a big A-hole , but only time will tell ! sorry if I am ripping into ya man but you really sound like you don't know what your doing and let me be the 1st to tell ya that the sig model thing might be a dream come true for ya but calling it that on a forum only makes ya look bad dude . anyway enough said , hope I never pissed ya off too bad you'll learn a lot from these dudes in here so just call me a A-hole and continue in this great forum dude ! Welcome and Enjoy !!! //Steve


        • #19
          Re: Jackson Arash signature model

          LOL, You guys all need to take a chill pill! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Arash sounds like an awesome guitar. Now comes the very long wait.. I really like how you have the controls layed out, and nice choice of pickups!


          • #20
            Re: Jackson Arash signature model

            Originally posted by Arash:
            It was my perfect intention from the beginning to make the guitar as heavy as possible. I just like physically heavy guitars and the sound they give. I still stand firmly behind my choice of northern hard ash.
            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">It sounded like in one of your earlier posts that you didn't realize how heavy northern ash was, but you said it should be okay because you play sitting most of the time. Also, physically heavy guitars usually don't sound the best... just like the lighter and brighter sounding Les Pauls are usually bettter sounding, and better to play than having the heavy boat anchor things around your neck. Anyway, it's your choice, it sounds like it will be a great guitar, so good luck with it!

            [ September 06, 2003, 03:23 PM: Message edited by: toejam ]
            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


            • #21
              Re: Jackson Arash signature model


              Sounds like somebody pissed on your lunchbox at school. You seem really mad about something.
              Your opinion is appreciated. No you are not an
              A-hole. It was interesting to hear what you had to say. I knew a response like yours would come sooner or later. It always does. Another person on another message board gave me a similar reply when I posted about my custom guitar.

              What do you mean I come here on the message board
              and bullsh*t?
              And what is it exactly you are seeing through?
              Aren't you abit too quick to judge?

              No I am not rich and neither are my parents. I just saved up alot of money.
              Despite what you think I am actually quite knowledgable about guitars and woods.
              It was my perfect intention from the beginning to make the guitar as heavy as possible. I just like physically heavy guitars and the sound they give. I still stand firmly behind my choice of northern hard ash.

              Yeah Steve, I know you hate my type. People like me who suddenly fly out of the blue and into a message board announcing a fancy expensive custom ordered guitar. I probably look like some rich kid who doesn't know squad about guitars and who's suddenly getting a boner just because he is ordering a custom guitar? Sorry to disappoint you but you are wrong.

              I have never been a fan of these message boards.
              I should have learned from a previous experience at another forum to keep my mouth shut about whatever I choose to buy.
              On another board my post about my custom guitar turned into a catfight about wether I was allowed to call my guitar a signature model or not. Really pathetic. I'll call my guitar
              uncle bob instead, ok Steve? Happy now?
              Anything else I can do for you?




              • #22
                Re: Jackson Arash signature model

                Originally posted by Arash:

                Sounds like somebody pissed on your lunchbox at school. You seem really mad about something.
                Your opinion is appreciated. No you are not an
                A-hole. It was interesting to hear what you had to say. I knew a response like yours would come sooner or later. It always does. Another person on another message board gave me a similar reply when I posted about my custom guitar.

                What do you mean I come here on the message board
                and bullsh*t?
                And what is it exactly you are seeing through?
                Aren't you abit too quick to judge?

                No I am not rich and neither are my parents. I just saved up alot of money.
                Despite what you think I am actually quite knowledgable about guitars and woods.
                It was my perfect intention from the beginning to make the guitar as heavy as possible. I just like physically heavy guitars and the sound they give. I still stand firmly behind my choice of northern hard ash.

                Yeah Steve, I know you hate my type. People like me who suddenly fly out of the blue and into a message board announcing a fancy expensive custom ordered guitar. I probably look like some rich kid who doesn't know squad about guitars and who's suddenly getting a boner just because he is ordering a custom guitar? Sorry to disappoint you but you are wrong.

                I have never been a fan of these message boards.
                I should have learned from a previous experience at another forum to keep my mouth shut about whatever I choose to buy.
                On another board my post about my custom guitar turned into a catfight about wether I was allowed to call my guitar a signature model or not. Really pathetic. I'll call my guitar
                uncle bob instead, ok Steve? Happy now?
                Anything else I can do for you?


                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">call it whatever man , all I am saying is it's not your sig model with some one elses album graphics on her , but whatever man call the bloody thing what you want , but a sig model is what you get from a endorsment deal and years and years of hard work . but do what you want I am not gonna preach the Jackson gospel at ya , and I have welcomed ya here and said my peace , ... but don't you think there is a problem with your words if every time you go to a forum [what you said] and post about your sig model and people freak at ya , sometimes ya got to turn your head in life and maybe think ... is it me or is everyone else wrong ? //Steve


                • #23
                  Re: Jackson Arash signature model

                  I'm with Steve. Get a clue, man. [img]graemlins/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]
                  "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                  • #24
                    Re: Jackson Arash signature model

                    A Signature Model, by definition, is generally designated as such only after a lengthy contribution to and advancement of a musical form, as was the case with Tony Iommi, Angus Young, Dave Mustaine, Scott Ian, Phil Collen, Randy Rhoads, and Eddie Van Halen, or if you create a new body design or significant variation of an existing body design as in the Kelly or Les Paul.
                    Putting an existing graphic on an existing body and/or color scheme does not fall within the standard definition of Signature Model.

                    Perhaps if you used that particular guitar for 20+ years, or set the guitar world on fire with that guitar, then it would be moved into the classification of Signature Model, but since the biggest difference between it and a standard Adrenalize Soloist is the base color, technically it cannot be defined as a Signature Model.

                    I think this is what Steve was getting at, and frankly I agree, though you are free to privately call it whatever you wish, but be aware that if you publicly state it is your sig model, people will want to know who you are and what you've recorded, what bands you've been in, as they are used to the traditional definition of Signature Models belonging to established artists as previously mentioned, and you open yourself up for a lot of flak by stating it is your Sig Model when you in fact have not established yourself as an artist.

                    With that said, congrats on your new guitar, can't wait to see pics of that graphic on red [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

                    Regarding the heaviness of the wood - where's the problem with a heavy body? Surely you men aren't little girly men who cringe under the weight of a Les Paul? Get a Bowflex and shape up those shoulders so you can enjoy a 3 hour tour under a heavy axe [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                    And you can put whatever pickups in it you want, as long as you remember to adjust your amp's EQ accordingly. You know those knobs on the front that don't say "Gain" and "Volume"? [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                    [ September 07, 2003, 10:57 PM: Message edited by: Newc ]
                    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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