Hi All, I just wanted to share with you my latest acquisition. I waited over a year for this. About 15 months ago I was talking with Jason from Drum City Guitarland about a custom shop idea I had. During the conversation I asked what happened to the y2kv’s he had in stock. He said he sold all of them except for one Korina one. Always wanting one but never really buying one when they were available as a production model. I asked would you want to part with it. Jason was not sure if he was going to keep it for himself or not. I asked him to keep me in mind if he was ever going to sell it. I have spoken to Jason several times in the past months about various reasons and would ask if he was ready yet. Finally I called to buy my daughter a Daisy Rock monarch butterfly guitar once again I asked This time the answer was YES [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]! So Jason made the paperwork up. Not wanting to take any chances I had it shipped overnight and it arrived Saturday in the AM and I have been stoked ever since. I would like to thank Jason for his great service over the years [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] and I would also like to thank my wife for not busting my balls about my guitar purchases [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img].
